Hi, I’d really appreciate some answers to these questions. I probably should read the manual again (I was looking quickly through it, while I typed this thread) and also do some searching online, but I’d like to hear current responses, since a lot has changed in the past couple years.
Help me understand.
*There’s 4 Parts. There’s 16 Patterns per Bank. There’s 16 different scenes for each Scene (A and B). You know, this is found by holding a Scene button and pressing a trig key. You can also turn off both or one scene.
*I’m confused as to what the Parts does differently and why couldn’t I accomplish it through multiple scenes. Is it as simple as… parts expand the amount (4 Parts x 16 Scenes) of parameter locks that I can do?
*Is there a way to change tempos and then undo tempo change back to the original? Could I set-up a slower tempo in one Part and the original tempo in another?
*Can I load different samples onto the 8 tracks in another Bank? This seems obvious that I should, but how do I do this? When I switched Banks, it had all the samples from Bank A. What happens when I switch from Pattern A01, for example, to Pattern B01? Are the effects cut-off during the switch, the decay ends automatically?
*Trig plus the level knob? Can someone help me understand this feature? There’s a sample slot list, am I able to add new samples that are not currently in use with one of the 8 tracks?
*Is there a way to set-up the 16 trigs to play multiple files (ie, one file per trig)? I know you can slice a sample and that’s workaround, given you have combined your files into one. Somewhat related and highlighted in my manual, COPY SELECTION will copy the selected section. It is also possible to copy the selection by pressing [FUNCTION] + [REC]. Note that it is possibe to copy a selection from one Flex sample and paste it to another Flex sample. Maybe this has answered my question.
*Assigning slices to crossfader?
*Recording directly or resampling to compact flash (bypassing ram and allowing recording time based on your CF card size)?
*Why are some effects only available on Effect slot 2?
*Can you assign different tempos for playback on each track?
B allows individual BPM settings for the arrangement rows. Any other ways?
*Any examples online of using the JUMP or HALT function? Can’t I also shorten the pattern, example, A01, from 16/16, to starting on the 6 step and ending on the 10/, (that is, 6/10) Wouldn’t that do something similar?
This is a great video that I saw before I had the Octrack. I’m still confused on how and what he’s doing.
Would someone explain what’s going on in this video:
Flex machine loaded with a popular song? Isn’t there a time constraint with Flex? Is it a short loop, it’s hard me to tell, once its time-stretched? Could I not do what he did with a Static machine?
How can I use recorded buffers to my advantage, when I want to sample spoken word, and not have the same segment repeat over and over? I’d imagine I need a pair of headphones to monitor the incoming signal, then sample the voice segments I like, and have them automatically be placed on the grid, to effect and everytime I sample it’s either overdubbed or the original is erased and the new is recorded? Yes? Or I could use a thru machine and turn up the volume when there’s something worth hearing?
How do I make sense of LFO? I’ve altered the LFO, but the sample responds unknowingly, it’s not the same as I first heard it, but goes back and forth between subtle and not-so-subtle differences? Is there a way to tame this? Some of the sounds I really like, and others not as much.
On page 139, use scenes and the corssfader to control multiple effect paratmers in real time. add parameter locks for rhymitical applications? Could someone show an example of the types of parameter locks (like Delay) that you use to change up the rhythm?
Delay effect for glitching? Is there a one-size fits all for this? How can I achieve this? I can’t do this if it’s a full song or a one-shot loop or can I? How would I be able to use the effect?
Thank you much for replying to any or all of the questions/confusion above!