MPK25-OCTA-A4 setup

Dear all

I would like to use my MPK25 to control my A4 while being clocked by OT. I am a novice to MIDI setups and I can’t find any instructions. Can anyone help me?

If possible, I would like to use the MPK’s keys to control the A4 and the pads for some OT track.

Thanks for instructions!

maybe I was not clear enough. Right now, I have the mpk hooked to OT’s thru, while a4 is linked to OT via midi in (A4) - out (OT).

Does that make any sense re the above?

Try this:
MPK to Octatrack Midi IN
Octa Midi OUT to A4 Midi IN

Set Midi Auto channel of Octatrack to say 1
Set Midi Auto channel of A4 to say 2
Set midi channel of MPK to send to 1
On your octatrack press the midi button, select a track and send the midi channel to 2.

thanks man! I will try it as soon as I find time (not today… :frowning: )

this works! two things to note for my successors:

a) make sure a4 receives notes
b) mpk25 won’t send midi through midi connections when linked to comp with USB. in this case, either buy a power adapter or route midi through daw.

Hi fachperson,

have you tried powering the MPK via USB, i.e., use a USB wall wart? I’d like to avoid having to buy yet another power supply.


haha I am the only person on the entire internet who’s answering the question I have right now. Seven years ago I gave myself the answer I need now. Thanks to me.

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