MPC Thread : MPC Live - MPC X - MPC One (Part 1)

I think JJOS may be better for editing midi notes and step editing as well.

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Iā€™m just that type of dude, tidy and organized. My studio is in impeccable order, all my vinyl and cd is in alphabetical order, iā€™m bordering on OCD with many of my tidying habits. I also run a book shop that demands a. lot of tidying, putting things in order and knowing where everything is. STILL, for me itā€™s like changing the tv channel, thereā€™s nothing interesting on this channel (Internal drive) so Iā€™ll change the channel to something I like (my SSD) and live my life without being distracted.

I guess people are just built differently. Judging by the amount of likes in our posts, most people are built like you.


yep I canā€™t remember the last time I saw the akai library

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Itā€™s painful. I usually tap the note on screen and edit with the big knob. I wish nudge, edit start, edit end and transpose were linked the q-link knobs

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I WISH nudge would WRAP AROUND!


Just went through the settings on my tv and removed all the channels that donā€™t interest me. Lifestyle & shopping channels, digital radio stations with no picture etc. Couldā€™ve used the favourites menu and assigned those few channels that actually interest me but fuck it, itā€™s my tv. I absolutely despise some of those channels with a passIon, and so the very act of deleting them off the list could almost be called therapeutic. Sure, having to scroll through channels I donā€™t like isnā€™t the end of the world but the ability to have some extra level of control over something I own in order to make it perform a little bit more how I like it is quite nice. One less thing in the way and one less task I have to do before my world is as I like it.

But imagine if doing such a thing had broken the damn thing. And furthermore, when turning on the tv it defaulted to one of those lifestyle or shopping channels with the presenter making a song and dance with their white teeth and fake enthusiasm over shit that I either canā€™t stand or will never ever bloody ever care about. Every. single. time. Such a small annoyance would surely begin to grate on the nerves and feel like a much bigger annoyance after a while. Yet on an older tv, I really donā€™t care about these things.

Going back to the mpc, it canā€™t really be compared to presets on other machines and their 2 general ways of doing things:

  1. Presets can be completely deleted, in which case many people (me included) will happily delete the lot without issue.
  2. Presets are locked and canā€™t be deleted, the user can only access the user banks. Users may grumble about shit presets but quickly navigate to the user banks.

Mpc clearly doesnā€™t do number 1. You appear to be suggesting that itā€™s the same as number 2, only number 2 doesnā€™t offer the illusion of user management like the mpc does. In my case itā€™s the illusion of control that causes the annoyance.

It may only be a small annoyance but much like the tv example it begins to grate after a while. If the illusion wasnā€™t there and akai had instead made it explicitly clear by means of UI that certain sounds etc in the library were permanent then it would be much more like number 2; and as a result, there would be no illusion and less annoyance.


Finally worked out why recording the audio track of a sequenced external synth was so sporadic.

Apparently thr MPC wants to be the master clock when it records. I had the Digitone as the master most times.

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Yep, as I said earlier - each to their own.

I donā€™t work for Akai, I donā€™t have a penny invested in this matter. To me it just screams text book definition of a first world problem, if there ever was one. Iā€™ll consider this case closed. How many ever people write how passionately ever, for me itā€™s all the same.

For me - no problem at all.
For numerous other people - huge problem.

Those are the findings of this study into the human psyche. All the best to everyone involved and sorry if I offended someone by not having a problem with the MPC presets.



I got bigger fish to fry dangnammit, hey akai put the pads on the right side of the screen on the mpc live 2 next time why donā€™t ya, and put that spdif port on the mpc one and live 2, and put the volume knob on the top face on all mpcs from now on, and ā€¦ andā€¦
and make the next version an mpc and not an mPad, and update the firmware soze I can delete those samples I never look at so the fam can rest easy, andā€¦ andā€¦


No offense taken at all, I hope the other way around it is the same.

These MPCs are interesting beasts. So much of them is fantastic on paper and since update 2.8 and then 2.10 the value for money is through the roof and obvious omissions/issues have been mostly sorted out.

I know I for one have a more performance centric approach to my instruments and from that point of view, I ā€œburdenā€ my MPC with these performance-centric expectations - and itā€™s just not made for that sort of workflow. I understand that many approach it more as a production box though, which just means different requirements and so it suits them much better. Things that are issues to me arenā€™t even noticed by this other group and vice versa, features that they appreciate seem irrelevant to me.

Thatā€™s the nature of it all, itā€™s personal and itā€™s also a matter of connecting to a piece of gear and giving in to its internal logic ā€” goodwill plays a role no doubt.


a man with a completely rational opinion walks into elektronauts


I donā€™t quite get why these issues get belittled like that on here, may I say quite frequently even.

It sounds like you suggest we should be happy with what Akai has given us and stop being such snowflakesā€¦well, I for one had to pay for my MPC and I think I have the right to share my observations and issues with it, including that I may feel that the pads should be on the right side to improve workflow etc.

I from time to time post in this thread just to offer some balance, sometimes reading through this thread one could get the impression that the current MPC series is flawless, which really it isnā€™t.

Itā€™s fantastic if you love it, bless you ā€” and Iā€™m always happy to see how much people enjoy their MPCs on this forum/in this thread ā€” just donā€™t understand why any criticism of the box is met with such contempt or ridicule, seems off to me.


Nice one, youā€™re making my point exactly.

I did, believe it or not, I did. And guess what: I didnā€™t think the touchscreen or the arrangement of stuff would work for me but then I read all the singing praise for the machine on this thread by people who have since long sold their devices with exactly the criticisms I came to discover by myself, and I thought ā€œto hell, letā€™s not judge it, just give it a try.ā€

So I got it and I tried using it and guess what I discovered ā€” the way the UI works, for me, the pads would indeed make more sense on the right side, and so I mention this as have others. Not a deal breaker for me, but I understand if it is for some.

but I take youā€™re point, Iā€™m an idiot for not agreeing with the uninhibited love-fest here, God forbid someone suggests Akai could improve their offering, who are we to have an opinion on a forum on the internet, when we all know that Andy Mac DOES know best.

I think youā€™re seeing only the people disagreeing with you when many are agreeing with you. I got the vibe that the majority of people were agreeing with you man, @Wolf-Rami got the backlash if anything


I think itā€™s a matter of ergonomics and to me itā€™s perfectly fair game to DISCOVER upon using a device, that the suggested ergonomics do not work for somebody (and youā€™ll notice the pads-on-the-wrong-side-of-the-box issue has been raised by many all over the internet, so itā€™s not a lonerā€™s opinion, others have felt the same about the ergonomics of this box). Mind you, thatā€™s actually not one of my big gripes with the box and I donā€™t have an issue with people loving it the way it is either, just interesting how criticism of this box is handled on this thread specifically.

Compare this to the SP404 thread, where people concluded the thing sucks cause it doesnā€™t have a functional sequencerā€¦yet here people buy styluses for the MPCs to be able to use the piano roll and if someone comes out and mentions the piano roll being a drag to use the reactions are comparable to what has happened over the last 15-20 posts where someone stated that they find it annoying that they canā€™t delete the factory content without breaking(!) the device.

Sounds like you could use some chill.


All good, I donā€™t feel personally disagreed with at all, I still own my MPC (despite years of having issues with it) because I still want to give it a chance and Iā€™m inspired by people on here who are excited by it and make great music with it.

I think @Wolf-Ramiā€™s take was just as valid on the issue as the take of those Iā€™m closer to in opinion.

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grid editing is pretty much universally the most complained about aspect and almost everyone agrees but if some people deal with it and get on with it why is that a problem, Should we all just universally agree ā€˜this sucksā€™? Sometimes I wish the world actually was a little bit more of an uninhibited love fest. All the complaining changes little and theyā€™re gonna fix whatever they decide is financially viable. If they never added another update Iā€™d honestly be fine but I know for a fact thereā€™s a lot more in the tank. Letā€™s just make beats and share tips itā€™s a lot more fun. Itā€™s fair to share a frustration or opinion but letting it turn into an argument or something that actually pisses you off is pointless


Not at all, not my point at all either.



I think you misunderstood, my post is real, not sarcasmā€¦I agree with wolf about not caring about the akai sample library in the least, and I also agree with the folks that would like the mpc to be updated so that they can delete that libraryā€¦

but the other stuff I listed is what I personally wish was different on the mpcā€¦ Iā€™d never belittle someone over beat machines man beat machines are life :slight_smile:

GreatExpectations is right, I new I hated the pads on the left side of the QLinks and screen before I bought it but what could I do, I couldnā€™t resist so I bought them and loved them anyway