Most of my imported samples crackle :(

Hi all,

I’m preparing a liveset, importing all my heavy synths, in wav, in the Octatrack.

But they have crackles ! :frowning:

My samples are ok on my computer, 16bits 44.1. The level is far below 0db.
On the Octatrack: no timestrecht, no effect, I just set the bpm of the sample, no gain. Just the sample playing as a one shot.

It seems that the pads/strings wav don’t resist to import, the other souns (arp, bass) seem to be ok.

What’s the problem ? I even try to reload the samples, still the same… Bug ?

Thanks !

Can you drop a couple of the files that crackle into the files section

Or on Dropbox etc… I would test importing and seeing if they crackle on mine.

Try converting to aiff and see if the converted file has same crackle.

Thanks I’ll convert it in AIFF, otherwise, i’ll send u a pm. Thanks !