Moog Matriarch and Grandmother dark series announced

Thomann has them listed. They’re priced higher than the originals, of course. :roll_eyes:

All secondary functions at minimum.

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I, for one, welcome any opportunity to make my studio look more like the bridge of a star destroyer.


gotta say… I do love the colors on these. but man the dark modes look BAD ASS.

maybe it’s just because we’re used to seeing them with colors…? :thinking:


Looks like my old Rogue.


Siiiiiiiick. Those red buttons are cherries.

Looks very old school. Like the OG Moog Modulars. Neat. If I ever purchase my first Moog it will probably be a Matriarch…

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I have the A4 and a grandmother both look so much nicer in black

My Octablack and Korg MS-20 Mini are the only black pieces of gear that I have, now that I think about it.

Black is such a guy color. Maybe that’s why I avoid it in my gear choices, when given the chance. One of my bicycles is mostly black - I plastered it with a bunch of stickers to de-black it where I could.


Thank God, I thought the initial releases were a joke at first…they grew on me overtime but this feels more Moog…i like em…

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Just noticed CDM posted a fairly comprehensive re-introduction to the Matriarch:

CDM wants to use the occasion of the dark Moog launch to kick off a Master Class series on modular synthesis on Matriarch and other Moog synths. This includes some info shared by Moog engineers

The discrete transistor buffers were kept from the vintage circuits. They color the inputs of the vintage modules and as a result, were left in the design.

The vintage-based module s are pretty much the same between Grandmother and Matriarch. The big difference is the high-pass implementation of Matriarch’s VCF1 [filter] , which is similar to the [Minimoog] Voyager but with resonance.

There were also a few minor changes on the envelopes . They’re both analog envelopes based on the [vintage] 911 module but in Grandmother, the release stage was changed to be voltage-controlled so that it and the keyboard release envelope could share the release knob. In Matriarch, the ENV END OUT was added (which allows you to loop it as an Attack/Decay envelope for another modulation source, or have one envelope trigger the other). Obviously, the analog delay was a larger addition, and it is based on our 500 series Delay.

Tons more info, patching tips, etc. in the article