Can anyone be bothered to try and explain why my mnm midi sequencer is just generating various random farts and blips from a tetra I’ve borrowed that don’t resemble the program or combo of the tetra at all.
I’ve tried every which way, followed the manuals but really getting nowhere and starting to lose the will to live!
An idiot’s guide would be greatly appreciated.
Kindest regards.
Possible idiot.
I sequence my tetra via the MNM with no problem. Make sure the tetra isn’t sending anything (local control off) and that you have all your channels properly configured. I can look at my tetra settings when I’m home later today.
Do you use the monos inputs for the tetra or something else? Do you have trigs that are longer than a blip? Sometimes i miss that.
Nah, I don’t route the tetra through the MNM. I have no issues sequencing via the midi sequence. If you’re routing the tetra through the MNM, make sure you have triggers set so you can hear the tetra.
Thanks gents.
What I’m trying to acheive is trig the tetra to play the entire sequence of a combo with all four voices. What I’m managing is trigging a single note of voice 1 on the tetra. I can obviously trigger the sequense with the push it button on the tetra but that’s not what I’m after. Strangely, I’vegot the tetra on midi in/thru and it’s triggering the sequence on the evolver perfectly?
Any ideas.
Whoops, I apologize about my last response, I thought that was a question.
I would look into the tetra, something is not configured properly. Combo mode is tricky to get triggered correctly because you’re dealing with 4 channels of midi.
No worries.
I guess I’ll just have to keep plugging away. I’m pretty sure it’s got something to do with Unison on the Tetra but I’ll be buggered if I can get my head round it. Something wierd is going on. The Tetra outputs a 4/4 beat even when the monomachine isn’t running so it’s trigging a note from the midi clock coming from the mm I reckon as the beat corresponds to the tempo light flash.
The mysteries of Midi, ay? Still, I’m getting some interesting results experimenting.
Out of interest, how have you got yours configured my friend.