Monomachine/ Oxygen 8 Weirdness

Ok so this is kind of a weird one, I’ve got my oxygen 8 hooked up to my MNM and every couple of minutes everything goes totally dead. No sound at all even if I push the triggers on the MNM.

If i reload the kit everything seems to work fine for a couple minutes then it goes dead again. Doesn’t seem to happen w/o the Oxygen8 plugged in.

Anyone got a best guess what’s causing my problem and how to fix it?

EDIT: I eventually gave up and just used my Qunexus… problem solved.

I had an Oxygen 8 a few years back that would send random Midi data from one of the knobs. Try monitoring the midi output with your DAW or Midi OX ( To see it this is the case, if you what to continue trouble shooting the issue that is.

^^ this. mine used to do exactly the same. the encoders on the oxygen 8 do not last long…