Hi all im trying to create a modular system to run the 4 outputs of the MNM into so they can be effected and altered etc .
im not so sure on the ins and outs needed , anyone have any experince and guidance that could help me
I have created a mock setup on modulargrid not sure how to link it here?
anyway will the Doepfer A 181 modules work ok i think i need 4 of them for the MNM outputs and one more as main out?
am i on the correct track?
You probably need to boost the signal to modular levels. You can use an A-138d to amp the incomming signal and attenuate it on the way out. I think you got the wrong idea with the multipliers since they won’t let you boost the signal and it’s for. Well, multiplying.
I’m not sure how you want to treat the incomming signals, as if you want to sum them or you want to keep them as separate voices. Unless you want to sum them at some point I don’t see why you need the A-138. But that could be my lack of imagination.
Also Don’t forget some modulators to plug in all those cv ins. You could check out maths like everybody else. It’s super versatile in a small system, can be used as lfo’s, envelopes, attenuverters env follover, rectifier and a shitload of other stuff.
Check muffwiggler if you haven’t already. Lots of much more knowledgeable people than me. Modulars is awesome stuff. Hav fun
Hi Smurphd
Yes you are correct i signed up at Muffwiggler had two replys instantly confirming what you said all audio in needs to be amped to modular levels and the A 181s are the wrong choice
I was recommended a " intellijel audio input " which features a stereo in and out .
The doepfer you stated would work aswell i think and also theres another one by doepfer A-119 that could do the job
hey thanks for your help i think im on the correct track now.
any other sudjestions will be well recived
Yes you can use the intellijel and there’s a couple of other audio interfaces as well. I suggested the A-138d because you were already looking at doepfer and the other options are way more expensive. Except the A-119.
Remember stereo is almost none existing in modular land.