Monomachine or Pro 2 !?

I have a pro2 ready to be shipped and all of a sudden I'm hitting the brakes a little bit and refocusing on  the Monomachine. 

I’ve an Octatrack , an A4 and a bunch of other amazing analog synths/drum machines,but lack a badass digital synth.
I loved that the pro2 used digital oscillators and was curious about the sequencer. I want to know if it’s 16 or 32 tracks can be assigned to internal sounds or can it only use one track for notes? The thing sounds great and has all the cv options.
The Monomachine however is 6 tracks of digital ear candy. I love it’s sound and the Elektron flow, plus it’s $800. cheaper.
I am curious about how the user waves work and the poly mode too.
Seriously have my sales guy waiting on me hahahah
I’d appreciate any input, I know they are very different but I’m wanting a digital flavor…

As much as I love elektron, the pro2 is in a diff realm, it wouldn’t even be a question for me.

Have you seen all the I/O available on the Pro 2? That’s what would sway me…might not be the same for others.

I know some people are complaining about the price but it’s a lot of synth (at least according to the specs, I haven’t actually had any hands on).

That being said, I already have rytm, a4, OT, etc etc…I can’t really see comparing the pro2 and the monomachine…just not quite the same.

I say get both heheh.

trade the a4 for a MnM and get a pro2? you seem covered on the analogue end of things and the OT will cover your sequencing duties in case the pro2s are not holding up (from what I understand the pro2 sequencer might be more for modulation)

they are different beasts and i have not played with an pro2.

however, i adore monomachine’s sound, beautiful poly mode and great wavetable support.

though, it can be tough to program cool patches at first and the sound is not for everybody

If you have money to burn and the only thing you know is that you want a digital synth, then you can buy either without thinking any more.

If you want to be a little more considered, then maybe asking some kinds of questions of yourself would be helpful…
Why do you want a new synth? Is there something lacking in the music that you are making currently? What benefit would a digital synth bring you? Do you simply want a new toy to play with (which is OK if that’s what you’re into)?

Do you need a keyboard?
Do you want a single-timbral monophonic/paraphonic synth or a multi-timbral monophonic/polyphonic synth?
Are CV/gate inputs and outputs useful for your set-up now or in the future?
Do you want extensive effects routing possibilities?

I believe that the Pro2 sequencer can sequence external MIDI and internal parameters simultaneously, but the implementation is somewhat different that the MM’s sequencer. The manual for the Pro2 is reportedly quite sketchy for this, so you might ask some Pro2 owners at or for more information.

There’s plenty of information here and in the MM manual for you to get your teeth into about the MM.

I appreciate all the input.
I guessing looking to add some FM/digital textures to my sonic pallet.
I already like the elektron workflow and I don’t mind spending quality time crafting my own original sounds. I think people complain about the monomachine because they expect some kind of long preset list to make music with, not me.
The Pro2 is a Ferrari no doubt and its connectivity is insane . I do plan on exploring modular in the future and the cv ports are a plus. I would like a keyboard in my set up too, only other keyboard I have is a Kronos 88 and that does not leave the studio…
I know the Pro 2 will be utilized better utilized in my studio once I dip my feet in the modular domain and want to sequence all kinds of insanity, but I think right now the monomachine offers me six additional tracks. I have a bunch of performances coming up and I just think the monomachine right now makes more sense.
But I’m still churning…

yep, like Peter said, you have to answer those questions for yourself before you will be able to decide

personally, I don’t want a bunch of KBs…I prefer modules and using a qunexus…I did end up getting a sub37 because I couldn’t resist and the thing takes up a lot of room…again, this may be different if you are a master on keys and you love jamming out on different KBs surrounding you

my main consideration on using a Pro 2 would be having all the I/O…I wouldn’t want the bulk of the keys…same reason I have an A4 instead of an AK…everyone has different needs/wants though

sound wise, neither is going to be a mistake IMO

this is the sort of craziness I’m interested in though:

Very cool vid, it’s a VC monster for sure. I can see myself getting a pro2 once I have my modular system set up but right now the monomachine would fit right in to my setup. I’d love an extra 6 tracks for a gig I have coming up too!
definitely steering towards monomachine, I’ve wanted one for a long while…

As a total opposite - try an OP-1.
I came to the realization that i had no digital synths. And came across the OP-1. I wont bore you but theres a possibilty it could change your life. Its simple, easy to use and because theres literally no menu diving or configuration of any kind all you do is play music on it. I cant recommend one enough and theyre always for sale. I got mine - with all the accessories and nice case for $650 AUD. For what it is Im almost ashamed…
And modular dudes love em. OP-1 into Make noise Echophone or Phonegene…

I like the new filters on the Pro 2… I don’t like that it is monophonic… If they offered a 6 voice version for considerably more money, I’d get it.

In the meanwhile, I think I’d get the Monomachine.

I actually have an OP-1 and absolutely love it, it’s probably one of the most innovative pieces of equipment ever. I’m looking to synchronize the OP, thinking of the OP lab.