Monomachine Love Thread

Just came across this pretty sick MnM vid. Like avantgarde classical or something… Anyone know what’s going on here, in terms of machines used, for example?


Blue LEDs
Red MD screen

what IS exactly going on here?


I saw this video today as well. Some v interesting sounds, especially the ones that sound like a piano being smesh’d with a sledgehammer while also being dragged on a wooden surface.


30 bpm, fm, every step plocked, lfo on delay time. I did quite similar tunes on Digitone using midi loopback to access third lfo and midi cc on delay time.


Thank you very much :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Track2 FM+▶DYN
Track3 FM+▶STAT
Track4 SID▶6581(random WAVE)


Whenever I think about selling gear I arrange a little limited setup and see if I still feel the same after spending some considered time. Im thinking about selling the Monomachine and my Yamaha CS-15 so I had a little jam this morning. Happy with how it turned out, but still probably going to sell.


I mainly use the MnM as a drum machine so it feels like a waste in a way. Or not utlizing it anywhere close to its fullest. Alien techno just isn’t my forte and I struggle with making it fit with my “creamier” analog-ish sound sources. I’m also not that great at sound design!

I’ll probably keep it a little while longer, explore the Autechre and Nicholas Lem sounds a little more (I may be in the minority in preferring the Lem sounds) but I don’t want to become a synth collector so getting harder to justify keeping it.

If you love something, set it free, right?


For anyone invested in the search on a MNM, there is an sfx-6 offered second-hand in germany for 2k, a relatively reasonable price, given that MKII costs around 2,5 these days

Not mine, but who knows, maybe yours some time soon.

Hi guys! It’s the anniversary of my first MNM project, MIRROR WORLD. :smile: For those of you that enjoyed the release, I dropped 6 extra tracks today as well to celebrate. :partying_face:

For Bandcampers - MIRROR WORLD (Deluxe Tracks Only) | Elevenpigs

For Spotifiers - Spotify

Available on all streams as well <3 Hope you enjoy these as well.

Ive bought a couple gears since having a MNM and nothing tops the MNM! it’s insane!

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I hope it’s OK to upload audio files? But I just found this file from ~9 years ago when I had my Monomachine. I had just discovered the superpower of comping the MNM in Ableton instead of attempting to write entire songs with the 6 tracks. Unfortunately I never finished the idea and no longer have a MNM but I thought it showed great potential to expand compositional ideas but keep that beautifully emotive Monomachine sonic signature.
Now… Sell me your MNM for cheap plz. :sob:


Is this all MnM? No fx in post (Ableton)? Sounds excellent!

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Thanks! Yep, all MNM, even the fun “cicada” noises which I was quite proud of. :grin: Apart from EQ to make the kick beefier and to make the other tracks sit in the mix, it was all pretty dry. Though it was a few years ago… there might be some additional reverb?


wow soo clean and warm. beautiful!

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Hi @pigs love the new release SLANG | Elevenpigs

Was much of it using the MonoMachine ?


Thank you so much @mattp ! :grin: yes all monomachine aside from the reese bass on BETWEENER. Thats my next task to recreate my own reese.

For the project
Synths - User Wavetables (lots of track stacking and detuning)
Drums - BBOX, NOIS
Bass/Subbass - SID
Effects - FLANGER, DYNAMIX, REVERB (with careful EQin)

Any favorites ?

If you love something, set it free, right? I finally pulled the trigger and sold it. I really did love it but it didn’t gell with my workflow and I couldn’t ever finish tracks started on it. A local dude really wanted one, we worked out acceptable price and hopefully the box gets more action than I gave it.

Mostly used it as a drum machine like here in my final track with it:


the ECC-6 backpack is pretty neat!!


Not monetized, but six years later and only two comments?