Monomachine Love Thread

monomachine mk1 has 64 steps, its the machinedrum mk1 with the 32 step limit

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Yeah. I thought of making my own

The biggest reason for a mk ii is the +drive imo. I was always running out of storage before and sysex dumping is a drag at best and impossible if you happen to be playing out somewhere.

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desperately tried to synthesize a ā€œkissingā€ sound on my mnm for another track but failed lol got a tune out of it tho. if anyone can figure it out that would be awesome!


Now I want a monomachine againā€¦

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we should probably launch an Everpress campaign :smiley:

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Hey guys Iā€™m pretty new to the MNM party and I just canā€™t get my head around the structure of this thing: Snapshots, Globals, Kits+Patterns, Digibanks. The manual is very well written but also very complex. Do you know any source where this system is explained a bit more understandable for a longtime DT user :smiley: ? Thx!

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There is also a Cenk presentation vidā€¦

iā€™d say for the first little while donā€™t worry about snapshots, globals, or digibanks. learn them as you need to use them.

it took me forever to finally get something going on mine, donā€™t give up!

My set up is a DT+MNM

Snapshots = Projects
Globals = Project settings
Kits = Presets and can be linked to multiple patterns
Patterns = sequences
Digibanks = banks to load user waveforms for use in the digipro machines only one bank can be loaded at a time per project


An oldie but a goodie.


Never gets old!

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Thanks! That makes a lot of sense in very few words :slight_smile:

Hi all! I am about to get an MK1 version of this beautiful machine. What should I look for when I am checking the device condition? Are there any usual problems? Also, I am curious does Elektron repair these still? If no where can it be repaired?

  1. selftest
  2. encoders
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Here is a collection of recently released tunes created on the Monomachine, The Framing Business

I have another previous album, The Frost Hits, which is also all mono made posted to Bandcamp as well


I know now why they stopped making it

why? Lack of sales?

working on one of my tracks after a couple months away, accidentally morphed one into a trance banger thanks to the mono arp and filter :joy:

dancing around like a fool now!

well lack of sales, but the reason for lack of sales is cause the interface. It does so much, but the way they designed the ā€˜machinesā€™ takes a really long time to wrap your head around what does what, the sounds are mind blowing but until you invest a lot of time with the engines, and then wrap your head around what you want the sequencer to control for you, itā€™s makes you feel like a stupid monkey trying to get it to sing without knowing what youā€™re doing or having a manual, or the time to dig in the manual. Itā€™s just too powerful for its own good, Monomachine is like an airplane cockpit, wall to wall of options that you can spend hours with and it will still sound like a gameboy if you donā€™t know what to do, but plop a digitone down and it feels like a fisher price toy, but instant fun and quickly sounds really really expensive, no matter what. I guess thatā€™s why they go the direction they go now getting smaller and more focused in product design, less capability but more readily available great sounds. Just with a couple LFOs and trig conditions and probability you can still mangle a digitone to be as batshit insane as a monomachine, just way easier and faster.