Monomachine died?

Hi all,

This morning I racked my Monomachine and A4 in a custom made wooden stand.
When powering up again the Monomachine didn’t gave no sign of life at all.
Is it possible I hit a circuitboard?
Has anyone ever had the same problem?



Which monomachine (mk1 or mk2)?

I suppose if you used really long machinescrews, you could’ve knocked something off.

Is your monomachine new or used? Do you have a warranty on it or not?

If you have no warranty and are not afraid of opening it up, you should.

There are (I believe) 6 screws on the front. remove those and the front panel.

After that, remove the 10 (or so) screws that are holding the main board onto the unit. Once those screws are removed, you can begin lifting the board, there are three sets of wires plugged into this board, so just gently pull them off.

From there, you should see potential problems (such a wires being accidentally removed or something). Maybe you blew the fuse? The fuse and power area are in the back right hand corner. You should be able to pull the fuse out and see if it’s blown (the wire on the inside is disconnected, the glass is blackened a bit, etc).

I have some pictures of an opened one here:

You can sort of see the fuse on the right, but you can also see potential cables that you accidentally disconnected. When you open it, disconnect and reconnect the cables, it’s possible they just were seated wrong…

Good luck

Hi Acemonvw,

Thanks for the in depth answer.
I bought a second hand MK1 just last week to accompany my A4.

When I got home from work last night I first tried to loosen all the screws. One by one and every time I did one tried to switch the machine on.
Before I had only loosened the top screw on the right because that’s where the power switch is.
Luckily the Monomachine powered on when I loosened the top left screw.

So, problem fixed and a damn lesson learned.
Thanks :slight_smile:


Which screws were you talking about? The top 6 panel screws, or the 10 internal screws on the first PCB board?

Might help others knowing, if they run into the same problem.


Glad to hear you’ve got it working!

Oops, sorry for not being very clear.

The problem was the screw I’ve put in the rackmounting holes in the sidepanels of the MM.
Because I made a custom stand with 18mm wooden panels I had to use longer screws than recommended by Elektron.



I actually also purchased a custom made rack, and instead of my units dying, I found that my Track 5 button doesn’t work on my monomachine.

Did you not have these issues when you got your unit turning back on?