sorry for the weird thread. Found a monomachine on craigslist. It’s a great price and the guy says its the MKII + model but the box doesn’t have the plus mark. I asked him and he said that elektron just used boxes from the old monomachine. I am a paranoid purchaser so just wanted to check if its really the case?
Don’t know if this will help , but I bought a brand new Monomachine SFX-60 MKII + from online retailer ' a few months ago, and have just had a look at the box it came in.
There is no mention of ‘plus’ or ‘+’ on any of the printed writing on the cardboard box , the only place it does have the ‘+’ symbol is on a very small white sticker near one of the corners where it identifies the model along with the bar code etc.
Sorry double post
Thank you very much guys. Just wanted to check. I’ll meet him sometime this week I hope.
Wow, another sfx-6 in the Indianapolis area? I thought I was the only one!
There’s a tech in Bloomington that will work on them!