Monomachine as a midi controller for UVI Falcon

Hello guys !
I want to use my monomachine as a midi controller for uvi falcon
I have sound from the monomachine coming in my soundcard, as well as midi out from monomachine to midi in soundcard.
maybe i have to change some setting in the monomachine?
sorry for noob question :slight_smile: thanks

When record is not on ( on the monomachine ) , i can control the sounds on the falcon with the mnm buttons. but when the time comes to hit record and make a pattern in mnm , i can only hear the sounds of the mnm and not from falcon
i hope you understand :stuck_out_tongue:

make sure the MNM’s sequencer is set to output MIDI:
Global slot -> Control -> Control Out1 -> Sequencer : Int + Out

also, under MIDI SEQ, make sure the channels match the ones in Falcon (never used it so I can’t help you with setup in Falcon but it should be straightforward)