Monochord Elektron Analog Rytm & Elektron Analog Four Dubby Tech

2nd Jam with the AR. this time together with AF
Dubby Techno

I like the sound in general… no doubt in the AR sound. I just don’t like the small percussion riff, i don’t know what is it… like a kind of rimshot, or pluck… wood block maybe… all the other sound nice :slight_smile: A bit too clubby/commercial in this Atmospheric Dubby Techno stuff

Quite cool, man … glad you’ve gotten up and running with the AR fairly quickly.

Some of the AR tweaking (the sort-of-digital sound) about a minute before the end was a nice touch … was that a sample or an internal? Also liked the wood block riff for the bit of melody it added.

Nice sounds man… and I kind of like the plucky sound, as it was unexpected in a dubby techno track :slight_smile: