Mono Lancet & Analog Four

There’s nothing really new here, but I stumbled across an old, short thread on Gearslutz where there was a link to the pinout schematics for the D-Sub connector of the Vermona Mono Lancet:

What this means, for those who might be interested, is that it’s easy to control the Lancet from the A4 without having to buy the $200 modular dock. All that is needed is a D-Sub connector, two stereo jacks, a little bit of cable and some crude soldering.

So for example, CV/Gate on one stereo jack, and filter cutoff + pulse width on the other.

cool :+1: - if you’re feeling confident you could make a breakout array with inline sockets (or box) to keep maximum flexibility - i don’t know if the lancet has a vca level (for gateless droning) but you could then direct the A4 to 4 timbral/shaping parameters - those d-sub connectors are fairly manageable with patience + if the dsub has ins you could wire up some diy control fun !

Inline sockets is a good idea, could pick and match different destinations depending on the need then, while still making it small/simple. A box might be for later. The Lancet does have a switch for turning the VCA on, so complex drones should be possible. :+1:

Very cool! Should every input take a ground from pin fifteen? If so that makes up for a lot of soldering to that one pin…
I would be interesting in pwm and pitch for both oscillators, vcf, vcf in, etc. A breakout box would be doable for a modest amount of cash, wouldn’t it?

Yes, a breakout box shouldn’t be much work/money at all. Connecting ground would also be more convenient than with a cable, as you’d just go from socket to socket.

Since each VCO has got its own CV input, you could add a socket for both, and a switch to connect them together. Then you could decide whether to control them together or separately. Same goes for PWM.

This would be great!! I would likely still use the ML midi in for triggering notes and use the 4 CV channels on the A4 for extra modulation.


Does this fit the bill? Could use adapters to avoid soldering altogether.

EDIT : Just realised there is only 16 outs.

I just did a sketch of the box to be (pin number before name):

Since my plan is to use it for Analog Four sequencing only, I don’t think I will include any of the outputs from the Mono Lancet (sound nor CV). This saves space and makes the box more tidy.

Since the CV input for pitch and PWM is per oscillator, I’ll include switches that connect the pairs, so that both oscillators can be controlled by the same CV signal (while still having the option for individual control - nice for PWM, and also for approaching duophony).

The switch to turn off the oscillators is included since I also have the audio input to the filter there. I might choose to omit these, as I already have filters I can (but rarely) use for external processing. The filter is nice though, so it’s probably worth to include the option.

As it is, the part count will be something like:

1 x box
8 x mono 3.5mm jack sockets
3 x switches
1 x D-Sub 25 connector
1 x D-Sub 25 cable
2 x two-3.5mm-mono-to-one-6.3mm-stereo-jack cable
a little bit of wire and solder

You’d need to re-arrange the connections there, so it’s probably easier to just get any cable with D-Sub 25 on one end, and then solder on jack plugs from scratch.

So is anyone planning on making such a box in a way i can buy it? Would be very cool!

Hmmm, thinking the same here. Soldering the cable doesn’t look too bad but would rather have it done by a competent person.

By the way PES, do you know or understand the talk about power and ‘buffering’ that is mentioned in the GS and muffwiggler forum posts?

I guess that is more to do with interfacing with modular gear or something? Maybe why the Modular Dock needs power?


I don’t know for sure, but from what I understand buffering is at least used when using one signal to control several destinations, so in this case it might have to do with one CV signal being sent to the CV input of both oscillators simultaneously.

Anyway, when I tested simply splitting the CV signal from the A4 into both CV inputs on the Lancet, it seemed to track fine. According to my ears anyway.

It’s not my plan at least, so for now I’ve ordered parts for just one. About $20 in total, cheap plastic case and all. From different sources though, so I’ll be lucky if everything is here within a month.

It would be nice to make one using higher quality parts though. Do some proper case design and all, but I’ve got no experience with this stuff.


A solder-less solution could be buying one of these:

Connect it to the Mono Lancet using a D Sub cable (male to male).

Then, take a stereo jack cable. Cut it in one end, so you get the wires (cut off some centimeters of wire too, so you can conncet between pins instead of the switches in the box example). Connect the wire end of the cable to the D Sub pins using the screw connections (the shield to pin 15, the other two to the wanted inputs). Plug the jack plug end into the A4. Do the same with one more cable. Done. :+1:

This would allow you to easily re-route the signal too. Just instead of plugging jacks, you’d use a small screwdriver.

Cheers PES.

It will be interesting to see how your box assembly goes.

This is great too. Think I will start here. I found these, but unfortunately they have been discontinued.

So will keep a look out for anything similar using spring clips or other screwless type connectors. The screw-type breakout board you posted above, looks like the cheapest option to get going. I would consider leaving cables permanently screwed in & labelled, then maybe use some type of common electrical connectors to easily switch between the cables.

Thanks for the info and ideas :+1:

The eBay breakout thing is for sale at Conrad as well, for European users. 17,75 euro if I remember correctly. Soldering a small box would be cheaper I reckon.

Old thread, but for completion’s sake here is the box I ended up making (tonight):

Ugly & Functional was the design philosophy behind this one (apparently).

good work :slight_smile:

Well done! Are those mini jacks? What’s the off switch near the vca for? I reckon the upper switches couple the pwm or pitch of both oscillators?