Model: Cycles Mute Mode found

I was playing on the model cycles today and was messing with a new project and found a way to latch the mute mode on so that you can mute tracks without holding the func button. I found out that if you hold func and the settings button to save the pattern the trig buttons act as mutes regardless of pressing func. Then even if you press back to adjust settings the track buttons still act as mutes, but they will revert back to normal behavior if you press func or make a temp save.



Nice re-discovery :slight_smile: More info here -> [Model Samples] Mute Mode - #12 by bibenu

BTW all credit goes to other people, I discovered nothing new myself, just consolidated notes on the discoveries made by others.


This is very good i was searching this today. But the problem with it you loose the track selection without turning tracks on/off.