Model:Cycles Feature Requests Thread

Yea, prob.=zero would be a good workaround I think. May even be a little more fun. Good idea.


(Let me know if this exists, couldn’t find any way to do it yet.)

I would like to be able to save any locked step as a preset. Currently it seems I can only save the default track settings as a preset.

This might be achieved by holding the trig button (with grid recording mode active) while selecting “save preset” from the file system menu.


Totally agree. This would be a great way to build up a sound library, the current implementation is a bit lacking.

Disable ctrl-all on shape knob for chord machine.


The current project is auto saved, and you juste have to press two buttons at the same time to temporary save what you’re doing. How could it be easier ?

You can plock the track with the chord machine to prevent this.
Edit: this doesn’t work for notes with long decay


With long decay on chords, nothing prevent the ctrl-all on shape knob.

Reverse the question :
When ctrl-all on shape knob of chord machine would sound good ?
For me it just spoils the shape ctrl-all possibilities.


Autosave isn‘t real autosave as it only autosaves, when you turn the device off.
So to be sure it is saves, you need to go to the menu, got to projects, select the project, and klick the knob a few times. I liked the shift-Click on the digi devices a lot more

Interesting…didn’t know that!

i understand you don’t like menu diving :-), neither do i.
But on my side, everything is always saved, even when i’m switching pattern, i don’t have to turn off the device. As a matter of fact, i don’t even really understand why i would save something manually. Maybe just to “freeze” a certain state of a pattern.

nope, the commnd for proper saving is the same as quick temp save, you just need to keep the FUNC + setup held down a bit longer. So for temp save, tap the buttons, for proper save, long press… IME works quite agreeably.


You don’t have to press the func button, you just need to long press the setup button and the device will ask you if you want to save the pattern.


A new menu item called Random, where you can Randomize the Kit / Pattern :nerd_face:


Ah, that’s cool! Thanks for that tip!

This one’s a no-brainer… FUNC+LFO to control LFO depth!

Also strongly agree with adding Attack parameter and controlling with FUNC+Decay.


More of a comment here on some of the above discussion around the menu knob. Oddly, this box feels more menu divey to me than previous Elektrons. That said I found sound locking way more intuitive here for some reason. Before their seemed to be the whole sound pool / +drive dichotomy. Here it’s just the one thing? Seems way better. Definitely prefer things like this being part of a live flow rather than being a process u have to stop and manage. Adding to sound pool is something I never did often, sound locks seem way more accessible to me here for that reason.


you can already control flo depth by holding lfo button + turning the knob of lfo destination


I’d gladly buy another Model model if it was possible to set/assign the midi cc’s sent by the knobs… Then it could be a perfect sequencer and controller for your fellow Swedes up the road lil red drum synth…

Shit, just do a joint project, paint the thing red and boom! You win!

If you need a product manager for this, pm me. :crazy_face:


The knob cc are not sent by the sequencer, so there is no point in giving the ability to change cc numbers.

The midi sequencer implimentation is the model:X is very poor, just notes are sent…well program change and clock too…:sweat_smile:

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Meh, just having a cc interface would be enough for me. Velocity does a lot.