Model:Cycles Feature Requests Thread

I was going to request that. All Elektrons should have it really, but for some reason I really crave it on the M:C. Think it would suit it perfectly.

The Q&A thread isn’t for feature requests. Elektron has a dedicated email address for those.

Is it a feature request or something I missed? Q&A will tell.

It’s currently not implemented. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a great feature request and something I’m keen on, but the Q&A thread isn’t for queries like that.

Why was this question asked?

Retrig as LFO destination, please!


Because in case this is not possible, i would like to ask if this could be implemented.

I tried to get the different velocities recorded when retrig in enabled by combing many different option settings but no luck so far.
So i figured it is not possible yet but maybe it could be just my shortcoming of failing to do so.

Pushing the track buttons with retrig enabled is a fun way to come up with dynamic hihat patterns. Much more so than recording the volume knob. On the cycles this is actually fun because of the softness of the track buttons.

My last post was intended for Pselodux.

I want this feature too. It’s a great expression tool.

Different lfo shapes as envelops, like the already existing triangle and sine ones, just one cycle.

It would be nice if ctrl-all would go “above” or “below” max values to retain offsets…

For example…

Kick track vol = 80
Hat track vol = 30

If I ctrl all on volume, and go down, as long as hat doesn’t go below 0, when I ctrl back up, the two tracks will retain the volume “gap”

But, if I go so low they both go to zero, then go back up, they will now be at the same volume.

So now it seems the m:c will “pin” values at the extremes, but it would be nice if during ctrl all it kept track of values outside the range extremes so if you go back in the other direction relative distances are retained.


The Cycles currently “slides” all MIDI CC parameter modulation (~30ms interpolation / smoothing time).

While this is useful for basslines (which otherwise require LFO trickery with the synth’s onboard sequencer), for percussion sounds this is usually not a desired feature.

Could you please add a (global?) setting for turning the CC interpolation off ?

(the usecase here are drum-pad controllers that send positional info that is mapped to CCs. Sounds glitched with the implicite smoothing, even when the CCs are sent before the note-ons !)


If you record those in the sequencer they will loose the “slides”, maybe not what you are asking but could be a workaround.

I wish just the opossite, p-locks to slide…:sweat_smile:

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Allow the Engine type to be an LFO / Vel Dest! You can already do this by editing the sysex, so it’s a UI restriction.


I have been having lots of fun playing two M:C voices from Circuit monostation pads. Using it this way allows me to have those two parts in different mixer channels for further treatment , fx and such.

I would love to see:

  • Midi round robin; as a machine or whatever. Let’s say you chose three voice polyphony , then you would use three tracks for that (first midi note to T1, second to T2 and third to T3). Same preset on each track with “control all” as default for those tracks (you change something it affects those 3 tracks). We could use 2 parts with 3 note polyphony or one part with 6 note polyphony

  • Similar to this but when using just two monophonic voices I would like to use lfos from unused parts with the voice in use. Make it a machine too if necessary. Maybe 2 voices with 3 lfos each

I think it would put M:C into studio synth category rather than groovebox

I would be very happy using T1-T3 as a 3 note polyphonic synth via L out and a 3 LFO monophonic synth via R out.

I do not think any of this should be heavy on the DSP, but I do not know if would need too much code reprogramming, maybe easier to implement the round robin bit…


View trig/step progressing during pattern select.

It would be helpful to prevent miscounts. No real downside especially if blink rate/level was obviously different than the current pattern blink rate/level.

is it possible on AR by editing sysex?

It would be fun if we could set retrig rate as a velocity destination for increasing the speed of the retrig by pressure.

I don’t get the abbreviation “PAW” for Punch. Isn’t that an error? I thought it was Pan Width at first.


+1 :pray:

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…This function has a time-out function, meaning that, after you adjusted the parameter, you have roughly three seconds to perform the revert operation before the change is permanent.”

Why? I see no benefit from this. If I want to keep the Ctrl-All change I can always let go of TRACK. This function is a PITA since I have to remove my hands to do the Pattern recall key combo every time the Ctrl-All is applied because of this time out.

Please permanently remove this time out function or at least give us the option to extend it.
There’s no such function on the Digitone so please make the Ctrl-all feature consistent between devices.


I find it useful to revert a destructive change to one parameter for one track, but sometimes I find myself pressing back in order to try to get back to the main screen, which then reverts whatever change I just made.