MnM sacrifice

I would sacrifice all my other Elektron boxes for different pattern lenghth per track on the MnM.

How far would you go?

no matter how far you’ll go, chances that this will happen are close to zero, imo. (same with MD)

(edit: hmm… you could try to BUY THE COMPANY :slight_smile: )

Sacrifice ? You mean sacrifice ?


Do you have an OT then? Why not just sequence the MnM with it? Variable track lengths and microtiming too.

This and micro timing is what I’d really really want. The monomachine was my first piece of gear and it hasn’t left, so that definitely saying something. SImplicity goes a looong way.

Yeah you can do some crazy stuff this way. If you stick the mono in poly mode, or just copy a machine to more than one track on the mono, then sequence multiple different length patterns from the octatrack you can get some very modular sounding evolving patterns going. But you do lose the param locking. Saying that you can still place trig-less locks on the mono and use holds lfos to keep it confusing. :slight_smile:

Will not happen. I asked Jon about it, and he told me that the DSP inside the Mnm doesnt have enough power. A4 and Octatrack have it and probably the soon to be announced machine will too.