MnM needs 'one hand pattern select', like the MD

I only own the MnM and MD (so far), and the more I use them the more I REALLY wish that the MnM had the same style of pattern selection as the MD. Meaning, that when you press a Bank key (A,B,C,D, etc) the bank stays ‘open’ for a second so you can then punch a pattern selection from the trig keys. The MnM, obviously, requires both the Bank key and a pattern key to help at the same time, which means two hands.

This feature would be so nice to have (on all machines). It doesn’t seem like it would be a huge update to make it happen, but then again, I"m not a programmer.

Elektron, I know your’e busy, but can we PLEASE get this subtle feature for the MnM?


@FreeFall - FWIW I’ve heard stories that the current OS takes up nearly all the available memory, not sure whether it’s true or not. Anyway like you I’m hoping this feature would be both easy to implement and not require a lot of additional code.

I get around this using mute mode. Once in the habit it’s not so bad and one hand is sufficient