MNM+MD+OT = minimal tech-house [H15]


This is a live-arranged tech-house track made using primarily the MNM and MD. The OT does duty with a single sample.

Everything was run through a mastering chain as a 2 ch mix down to make things toastier. If you’re curious I could go into more detail…



Diggin this track… Perfect example of effective simplicity… I make tech-house and techno, and I always seem to over-think and complicate things by feeling the need to add elements from each device, and adding way too many elements (MD, OT, A4, Virus TI2). It’s just a pain in the ass to update every piece of gear per pattern…

May I ask how you route your gear and your workflow? I’ve found a workflow, but it’s a long process and it’s keeping me from making tracks as quick as I could using my old ITB workflow… Never turning back to the DAW, but any advice for workflow?

Regardless, well done!

nice one as usual jd! you know i’m curious :wink:

Three instruments for one minimal track??? I kid, I kid :smiley:

I like it. Especially that little chordy thing you have going on. Lends a nice and chill vibe I’m digging.

Great track man! The arrangement, sound design, motion… it’s all there.

The only small nit-pick I can think of is it seemed like there were moments where there was a little build up of sub-bass… but I’m not listening on my good monitors at the moment. Might be my work headphones.

Thanks for the feedback.
My routing is all six outputs from MD and MNM into a patchbay, into the inputs of my soundcard (Motu 828mk ii) and Adat input box (Behringer Ada8000). All are monitored via the internal DSP mixer of the 828. OT is routed similarly.
Workflow is make patterns on the boxes. In the case of this track, two patterns on the MNM, and one each on the MD and OT. Create variations via the “Joy up” assignments on the MNM (triggered from a fader box that sends midi cc 1 on channels 1-6). That way I can “play” sound variations from the faders. OT usually has a few scenes setup as well.
Perform the piece and record down to as many tracks as I have inputs for.
Sometimes do some minimal time edits to move things around afterwards.
Master on 2 ch mix output and bounce. Usually. not much mixing on the parts these days.

Hi dubathonic. Thanks!
Master channel is a bunch of UAD-2 plugins. Roughly in order:

  • API vision channel strip for some input preamp distortion, eq, high pass, and light compression.
  • Ampex tape plugin for some saturation, tape compression and transformer emulation.
  • SPL Vitalizer to toast things more and perceptually enhance the bass and highs.
  • Precision Bus Compressor mixed 50% wet for a little more parallel compression.
  • Precision Limiter to get the final levels hot.

You could do all of this with similar processors. I just have this setup as a preset rack in Ableton Live that I throw on my final bounce to smear and heat things up a bit. Tweak per track and render…

It may be overkill but I like the processed character it imparts.


It’s minimal yet effective. :+1:

chill but kinda dull?

hey, at least you’re being honest! thanks for the listen…