Bad news - I tried to power up my monomachine and I got sort of a partial splash screen and it just hangs there. The next time I tried, it sort of looked “faded,” like it was low on power.
I tried again using the adapter from my machinedrum, and it just flickers.
Can someone tell me if the Mk1 monomachine adapter and the Mk2 machinedrum adapter are the same? Should an Mk2 MD adapter work for the Mk1 monomachine?
No they do not… there where some topics about this on e-u…
Elektron themselves do not sell a mkI powersuply anymore (to my knowledge)
but there is some dude on ebay who sells a replacement part (if my memory from other topic is correct…)
tried to find the topic… but i couldnt find it quick enough… sorry… else you would have gotton a linkie