MnM arp: more than 4 notes?


I’m having problems wrapping my head around an issue with the arpeggiator:

I want to program an arpeggio with more than 4 notes (7).

Thing is, I don’t know how.

I can make a trig with four notes.

With KEY, SID and ADD, as soon as the sequencer reaches the trig with the 3 remaining notes, the first trig notes are “forgotten”.

I though ADD would be able to do it like this:

1st trig: F#4 A4 B4 E5
2nd trig: F#4 E5 F#5 A5

that way, the F#4 note would ‘tie’ the trigs together (because ADD keeps adding notes to the arpeggio AS LONG as one note isn’t released), but this doesn’t work.

Any advice? Thanks!

I don’t have my mono in front of me, but afaik the “add” setting is primarily for live use, i.e. it lets you add notes to a running arp by holding down additional keys on your keyboard.

Generally speaking, if you retrig the arp, it starts over again with the new trig’s data and forgets what the previous trig told it, just as you describe.

To get the effect you want, for the second arp, add not only the new notes, but the first four again.

Hi josker,

I think SID mode is the one that keeps going as long as you don’t release the first note, but I am not in front of my MnM to test.

Let me know if I am right, otherwise I will test after work:)

I’m AFMnM at the moment, too :slight_smile:
But i tried the three modes, and didn’t find a working solution. I hope theres some slide/AHDR/other solution to having more than 4 notes in an arpeggiator, because otherwise it seems so excellent. Thanks for the help already, the search continues…

I tried it out this weekend and got the same result you explained above.

Does it work for what you are trying to accomplish if you copy and paste the first trig, and then hold the new trig and press down arrow to add the rest of the notes you want?