MM + MD + OT : Internal or External Sequencing

So i have recently started just using the trinity for making music… my question is do you sequence the MD and MM internal or external ?.. I personally found it much easier, just to sequence everything on the OT and then use CC to parameter lock …

Use both at the same time? Build MM midi seq on OT, then evolve it with additional trigs on mm… or vice versa. Same goes for MD. For whatever reason haven’t tried additional p-locks or arp. Interesting clashes of cc/note data possibly? Its good having 6 lfos per mm sound when u add the OT ones.

Going your way i lose ability to build related patterns on MD or MM and assign these patterns to notes, then triggered by p-lock, random or ramp lfos on OT.
Cant do that trick when 100% sequenced by OT. Hit or miss (timing can go out in 1st note of pattern) and always use low eg. Lfo amount values, but good flex a little like ableton’s ‘follow’ section for clips.

i mostly do start/stop sync and patterns on each machine. midi from octatrack to patterns on the other machines or mutes.

bi directional midi i mostly do between machinedrum and octatrack. i haven’t really found a great reason to send the monomachine’s MIDI back to the other 2.