Mixer advice Behringer Eurorack MX2004A

Behringer Eurorack MX2004A —ebay germany for 80 euro

is this a proper mixer for my MD + A4 setup?

also got a korg kaoss pad 1 which i want to use and a korg esx which i d like to use

bedrooom producer - got a focusrite 2i4 - so 2 inputs - USB soundcard which I use to record into ableton on my pc

thanks for recommendations, tips, good and bad!

For 80 Euro, sure! It’s not very high quality but if you keep the volume under control it will sound quite OK, and if not you may get ‘interesting’ distortion. Older and cheaper mixers can be a bit noisy rather than sounding perfectly clean but this isn’t necessarily bad. I just picked up a Mackie 1604 (similar to this one you are looking at) and I very much like the ‘rough’ sound it can add if you turn the EQ to extremes.

Wire the auxiliary sends of the mixer to the inputs of MD and A4, then turn them up slowly and carefully to get interesting feedback effect loops - don’t turn them too high or the feedback will destroy your signal, but a little bit can be wonderful.

hey anigbrowl

thanks for your answer… unfortunately the ebay guy didnt respond to me …

which is the highest quality mixer out there?

i liked the fact , well the video, where a car was driving over a mackie mixer ---- very convincing for a noob like me :slight_smile:

but i would acutally go for “christal clear”

again, thanks for your feedback

I had one for a while, and I quite liked it. It’s definitely worth the price. I ended up getting a “better” mixer which cost me quite a lot more, but I can’t spot the difference between the two, to be honest. Build quality on this new one I have is probably better, but sound quality is about the same.

This one is supposed to be good for the “home recorders” out there;

Still, pretty expensive.

hi daisuk

thanks for your recommendation …

jeeee, my jaw drops because of the price range that comes!

i am just a bedroom producer, but its almost my fav hobby… and i do wanna treat myself…

can a octatrack replace a mixer? no really, i assume, there it is again, the voice in my head that wants me to buy gear … silent!

Hehe, I know how that is! Well, I don’t know, I don’t really think it’s about the gear in the end, you know. If you only have an A4 and an MD then using the OT as a mixer sounds perfect. The less clutter in the sound signal path - the better. :slight_smile:

sure, good point!

i own a korg kaoss pad 1, and dont dare to run the m4 or md through that thing because i dont want to loose any high quality sound

hence the thought of a high end mixer (bedroom producer me) with a send channel for the FXs of the kaoss pad1

thanks daisuk

Yeah, another vote for Allen & Heath. I used to have a MixWizard and those are really excellent, the older ones in good condition are often good value and many people feel they are better built than the newer ones. I good a good deal on this Mackie but I would buy another A&H without hestitation if I had the cash/space right now.

zed series are great. best bang for the buck. vote there too.

I have a few various mixers:

1202 mackie… brute force! worked for 3 days in the rain.
10Zed is easy smooth.
alesis 4usb… junk mixer to get multi audio into my computer in the office.
behringer 12 just does… nothing special.

thanks for input anigbrowl :slight_smile:

hey folks, i settled for a used behringer mx2004a and it seems that

I loose some of the A4’s ummpf, pump, clarity and definition.

MD seems to be no issue… same mixer, tried various channles each, with different cables.

I use the individual R and L out of A4 … any suggestions?