‎miRack, VCV rack ported to ipad

Do you know if yours is 64 bit OS? Does it matter?

So it seems the developers of VCV take issue with some aspects of mirack. I’ll just leave this here as purely informative:

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64 bit. not sure how much difference that makes

hmm. that’s sad. quite a downer of my enthusiasm


I guess the offending issues have been removed. I don’t know. It’s easy for me to just skip it considering I already have a stupid amount of music making tools. If I didn’t, it’s a very attractive app…


Let’s not dredge up the VCV vs. MiRack saga. Neither side looks good and you’ll miss out on two amazing products. Seriously. Just use what you like and don’t start down that rabbit hole. Trust me.


My intention wasn’t to start anything. Just that people have information.


thx for sharing it! It’s important (for me anyway) to know where things come from.



The issue is that the post on VCV Rack doesn’t give the whole story, or a complete version from both sides. Neither party has clean hands. I was following the saga quite closely as it was unfolding and wish I hadn’t. It’s colored a lot of my opinions about the developers involved, and not for the better.

It was also a fascinating legal rabbit hole to ponder while doing chores. :slight_smile:

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I think esp these days its necessary people are informed consumers.

Granted, we’re talking about either free or cheap software in this case, so applies (much) less than where one invests their pension fund for example Nevertheless, I personally like to know the context around where my support goes and shared it in case other people did too. This influences “what I like”.

With that in mind, if you have additional information on it, id love to know it. :slight_smile: I personally am not going to get involved either way. I just like to be informed.


Neither side has covered itself in glory here (but the miRack guy comes across better to me personally), it’s much more nuanced than the VCV Rack side would have you believe.

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Thank you for articulating this position so concisely. It’s exactly how I feel.

I still wear my VCV and Grayscale t-shirts, but my heart still hiccups a bit when I do.

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I think (could be wrong) it makes a difference going forward. For example, there’s a good chance new apps coming out can be 64-bit only (I know a lot of vsts are becoming 64-bit only) in which case 32-bit would end up outdated.

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true, makes sense :slight_smile:

now I 'd like to know more about this ominous story

Well that sucks. I literally just brought my iPad from the office to give miRack a go but I m cancelling that plan now.

Got a link to this side of the story to balance things out?


Guys, with respect, if you’re really interested do some googling/basic research and you’ll find it.

I know that the threads on the VCV Rack forum got locked, but hopefully they didn’t get deleted. The Audiobus forum is also dedicated to iOS music.


you‘re right

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After I wasted the last two hours following the whole discussion on said forums, I feel free to share another miRack patch :wink:
A joy to use