Minitaur Filter CV. How?

Okay, i’m using my A4 to sequence my minitaur and it works like a charm. Really fun stuff.

I want to take this to next level and make more complex basslines with Filter CV.
As i am noob, some help would be great.
How to control it, which settings, etc…

Please guide me, preferebly someone who does it or has done it.


so you set your ab cv out to control the gate and cv of the moog.

controlling the filter is even easier just set the C out of the A4 to CV and run it into the filter mod input on the moog.

I got that…

But how do i control it??

I specifically said i need settings guidance, not cables. But thanks.

Ok, i got it!! Thanks!!!

minitaur has 4 assignable CV ports, A4 has 2 CV outputs (dual)

so you should be able to control 4 different things via CV

just giving you a heads up since one of the minitaur firmware upgrades actually allows you to assign each CV port to whatever you want, not just gate, filter, etc…

I still sequence mine with midi, so I’m not sure what middle C is on 1V/octave setting (on the A4)


My band uses the Minitaur cv controlled by the A4 as our main source of bass. Here’s what I’ve been doing:

CV AB out via TRS cable to gate and pitch on Minitaur
CV C out to filter on Minitaur
CV D grounded

Set. CV parameters on the A4 accordingly. (CV C should be set to Val/lLin)

The Minitaur is pretty wacky when it comes to accurate tracking, even with the most recent software update.

So…set middle C at 2.51 and v/oct at 1.07. It won’t track well over high octaves but you’ll get 3 octaves of usable bass.

Get sequencing and send LFOs to CV C for filtering. P locks are nice too. Just remember the Value/Lin amount on the A4 will dictate where the “start point” for your Filter on the Minitaur.

Routing back into the audio in and plocking effects in the bass is pretty sweet as well.

Also…the Exp LFO shape at high values and synced to tempo can get you some really nice Symmetry/Chromatics/John Carpenter type bass out of the minitaur.