Minifoogers - Official info is up

The Delay is under serious consideration for me - the expression pedal input can be assigned to Time OR Feedback!!! Love my Octatrack and it’s delay effect, but it’d be great to have a delay I can fool around with, independent of track configurations and such, especially between my viola and Octatrack.

The Ring and Trem look cool too.

need a bit of confirmation that these will be ok with line (as opposed to instrument) levels ( I’m sure they will be ) & presumably we’ll get hammered here in the UK price wise ( i.e. we’ll pay virtually the same in Sterling as the dollar cost :neutral_face: ) so these won’t be quite as affordable as they look…BUT ( sorry if it appears I’ve thrown a negative slant on this already :joy: ) these do look great. I’m already wondering what a pair of Drive pedals would do to the stereo out of a Machinedrum… :wink:

Click the Specs tab to see the input impedance for each pedal. I think they all have 1 MegaOhm input, but check the specs for the pedal you’re specifically interested in to make sure.

think they’re all >1Mohm.

& I’ll let them off about the UK price too - e.g Drive is $179, UK RRP £139.

nice. :+1: