MIDIot questions

Hi All,

In anticipation of the arrival of my EIT-1, I’m thinking about connection options for multiple MIDI devices. I just want to know if there’s anything I’m missing here:

foot pedal out to – in iPad (via USB adapter and M Audio) out to – Octatrack in – out to A4 in – out to foot pedal in.

Am I missing anything here? Will I have problems with this setup as long as everything is on the right channel?

I haven’t actually hooked up this many MIDI devices to one another since the early 1990s and haven’t thought about it since then.

what are you trying to control with each device? do you need to send MIDI from the ipad?

assuming you want to use the pedal for sampling , and the OT to clcok the A4 and control ipad apps, I would find it simpler to go pedal out–>OT in / OT out–>A4 in / A4 thru–>ipad

Thanks. I should have clarified:

Pedal to control OT via MIDI, but also iPad running Lemur to control OT via MIDI, and OT setting tempo and sending program changes to the A4.