It’s pretty straightforward and if your read the manual of the machinedrum focussing on midi machines you should be able to set it up.
For controlling a specific synth you need to know 2 things:
a) midi implementation (stuff like what CC number to send to control a specific parameter)
b) setup midi in
MIDI is an ancient language, very outdated and thus very simple compared to the stuff we use nowadays to communicate between devices. Read the wiki, google ‘midi basics’ and read the manual of the machinedrum and the gear you are trying to control.
Figuring all this stuff out will help you create a ton of great sequences and sounds, promise.
Thanks Husc ! Well, my matter isn’t about midi, but how i can use the midi machine on my sps1.
I can get them working, but should i assign them to a specific trac ( for exemple bass drum), or can i get on one same track a drum machine + a midi machine ?
Each track (trig) on the MD can only support one machine (ROM, RAM, MIDI, INP) so you can not have a drum machine and a mid machine on the same track…
If you place a midi machine on track 5 (trig 5) you need to place the rx’g device on midi channel 5 for them to communicate… Plot some notes on your track 5 make sure mute is not on hit play and the rx’g device should be making some sounds… As mentioned the manual is fairly clear on how to set this up…
Also note if midi machine is on track 5 you can assign it any midi cahnnel form 1 - 16…
oh and another trick since you can only make 3 note chords you can assign another midi machine for the same midi channel and have 6 note chords but you sacrifice a track…