Midi tracks sending single cycle trigger LFOs as sidechain?

Hey there;

Just coming to grips with my new OT!

I’m looking to use the midi tracks to control external FX boxes, as well as send CC out to other instruments… but here’s what I’m wondering:

I haven’t found a good way to sidechain in a dawless setup. I’m wondering if it’s possible to use the midi tracks on the OT to do something like LFOtool does as a plugin? Specifically, can I trigger an LFO to send CC#7 (volume) data externally on specific steps, and only have the LFO cycle once? The idea here is that I can mirror the steps of the bass drum and send this LFO data to bass/instrument tracks to duck them.

Thoughts? Or is this impossible?

Thank you! :slight_smile:

Yes. Set Lfo TRIG to one or half (usually half for kick to duck bass), adjust speed and depth according to requirements / taste. Might want to micro-shift the midi sequence forwards a tad.