MIDI track program change issues

I’m seeing inconsistent behavior of program change messages on midi tracks. My understanding is that the program number set will be triggered when switching to the pattern. For some reason in my setup, this happens once, and then when I switch to my next pattern the digitone is not sending the PC messages. If I manually move the program change nob on the digitone, it does the right thing, but that is a kinda kludgey. I’ve troubleshooted my system, and the device I’m trying to change presets on observes the program change from other sources, for example a Ruismaker mozaic script I wrote. I’m either not understanding what is expected behavior from the digitone, or there is some kind of bug. I’d rather it be me not understanding the expected behavior, and I’m hoping someone can point me in the right direction.

I should note that I’m on the 1.30a firmware.

Looks like there was something unreliable in the midi signal path, because now it’s working fine LOL. I’m not sure why when the digitone is hooked directly to the blackbox it works so inconsistently, but when I have midi flow through my iPad, it works fine, that seems super counter intuitive, but at least I have what I need now.

Tried Midi track program change on DN midi tracks. Like @devongleeson described you can send program change manually moving knob but when you trigger a pattern nothing sends via midi. I don’t understand what is the logic here or is this again a bug?


Reason I am asking this is following: suppose you have DN and AH and you would like to automate that DN picks up certain AH preset when you take a new pattern from DN. I was supposing that midi tracks having prog change would easily do the job. But to my surprise you can easily put these values to midi track (ch, bank, prog) but after you have done it midi track does nothing. To test it further you can make two DN patterns - for example pattern A (ch1, prog 1) and B (ch1, prog 2) and try switching between A and B. Nothing sends, this can be seen with MIDI monitor app.

If it supposed to be like this can somebody explain what this midi page with prog changes are meant for? I have used DN midi tracks for a long time and sending midi notes with certain ch is working fine. It’s just this prog changes that I don’t get the idea

*) I suppose that general level prog changes between machines work between DN and AH like we have used to have with Elektron machines. Problem with AH is that I would not want to spend a preset slot for every DN pattern. I also suppose that with 3rd unit (like mac) can handle this problem quite easily. But at the moment I am thinkin a most simple setup with just DN midi connected to AH. It’s bit confusing if you cannot automate DN to pick up a preset from AH because it has all these features (midi tracks with prog changes)….

EDIT: I found this thread about same issue: