Midi Thru

This may be a novice question but hoping someone can help me. I’ve just hooked up my AR with the OT and have midi slaved the AR to receive midi from the OT. I’m also trying to use my Microbrute to recieve Midi notes from the OT, I’ve chained it up to receive the Midi thru from the AR.

My question is how do I stop the AR from receiving the Midi note data? I only want the AR to receive the Midi clock to keep it in sync. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.


you can turn it off somewhere in the settings. i had the same issue with OT and A4, but for the life of me i can’t remember how i fixed it - it wasnt obvious for sure.

I’m new to the Octatrack so take my thoughts with a grain of salt, but I have a somewhat similar set up–Octa, A4, and Prophet 08. I have the Prophet hooked up to the MIDI IN/OUT of the Octa and I have MIDI THRU from the Prophet to the A4. This way the Prophet and the A4 both receive MIDI notes/clock from the Octa and the A4 can also be set to receive Start/Stop. I can enter note data into the Octa using the Prophet and from there route it back to the Prophet or the A4. I can also just use the A4’s internal sequencer with the Octa providing clock and start/stop. Hope this helps!

Thanks, I think you might have misunderstood tho’. Do you know of a way for instance that you can have the midi going from OT to A4, then midi thru from A4 to Prophet, having both synced to the OT but only the Prophet receiving midi note data? That’s my predicament, the microbrute is receiving note data but the 1st drum track of the AR is also receiving note data which I don’t want.

Keep AR on a different channel. Rest on same. All should follow clock and transport. Let us know if any progress or not.

How do I do this though? The Microbrute can only receive on CH1 as far as I know so I have the Midi Channel set to 1 on the OT but then track 1 on the AR received the midi notes from the AR. How do I change this setting on the AR?

I don’t understand from the manual?


EDIT: Got it sorted.

Can you make Tr1 MIDI IN OFF ?

I dont have Rytm but this comes from the manual (p.53):


Just seen you sorted it out

Yea got it thanks. For anyone else who may encounter the problem, it was just a case of going to Midi Channels, then setting Track 1 to channel 2, Track 3 to channel 4 and so on, or yes you can just turn off midi on channel one, might be more straightforward.

If you install the microbrute software you can change the midi channel it receives data on, instead of changing the track midi channels.
It’s got some other nifty features as well, such as saving/importing sequences!