Midi thru configuration

Hello dear members,

I’m having serious difficulties hooking up my A4 and Octatrack in a convenient way.
My setup would look like this: My A4 gets the clock from Ableton via USB (OT is simply not showing up in Abelton on my MBP except when it is in USB Disk Mode);
Then I want to slave the OT to the A4 which would be no problem if I used the Midi Out “A” from the A4.
BUT: I need Midi Thru since I want to control the OT with a foot controller that I would put into the A4 midi in. The problem is that the Midi thru from the A4 doesn’t send clock and transport.

Do you have any idea how this could work?

Best regards,

think youd need a usb to midi converter
and apparently OT performs best as master, so not sure how that would work out with ableton

Thanks, I’ll check the usb to midi solution!