Hello everyone, I was wondering if someone could help me with getting a midi chain set up. I’ve spent a few hours trying to get it to work properly but no luck.
I have a A4 slaved to Ableton through USB, and the A4 Midi out is connected to a roland tr-626. I’m able to get everything to sync up just fine, but what I would like to do is sequence the tr-626 through an assigned midi channel in Ableton. When I play notes via Ableton, I can get the A4 tracks to sound, but no luck with the tr-626, even when I select the option to receive all channels. I can get the tr-626 to play when I play the A4 keyboard, and it works when I have the 626 directly connected to my audio interface.
It seems like if I have a chain set up, the midi signal does not transmit after it’s moved to one device.
Does anybody have any suggestions with the A4 midi settings?
MODS - could you move this to the A4 forum? Sorry, I accidentally put this in the AK forum.