MIDI Sequencer Conceptualization

Hey guys–celebrating 3 mos. w/ OT, and absolutely loving the combined MIDI sequencing and Thru machine capabilities for producing music with modular.

Just read Merlin’s interesting Pdf, which was nice and strangely clarifying, like zooming waaaay out on the OT’s functions.

In the same vein, help me think about the MIDI sequence info. CC assignments, channels, etc., are these stored in a Part? I assume pattern data (trigs & p-locks) are the same as for audio tracks.

Thanks in advance.

Yup, CC’s, midi channels and all that are stored in the “Part” section. Sure would be nice if you could set up all your CC’s for different synths and then save that and recall it whenever needed. I end up having to re-set up all my midi info for each part which takes a fair amount of time when you have a large synth setup. To shorten that I have little labels on all my synth with the CC#s for certain knobs. Like on the moog voyager i have a little sticker right by the filter knob that says “CC19”. This really speeds the setup. Anyhow, love my OT as well, hopefully we can get an update soon!

Yeah, that would be great. I’m sure there are ways to set up Projects as templates, but that seems a little overblown. Part template functionality would be cool.

Ok, thanks Dylan–I need to think about this some more, but I appreciate the confirmation!