the octatrack i use sends c4 as c3 (no transpose)- the machinedrum doesn’t. kinda does my brain in when I’m trying to use them both at the same time.
could someone with both send c4 on each to a synth and listen ?
The MIDI standard is loose, i’ve had some other stuff that’s like this, I’m not sure if it’s something on my end or not.
Have you tried the Map Editor in the Global > Control area on the MD?
Would that fix the problem (i.e. remapping the midi to different notes)
heh, the MD works as expected c3 is c3.
If both are set at c3 the MD sends MIDI note number 60 the OT sends note number 72.
Thanks for the idea though. Maybe I could change the MD to match the OT at least.
Do you have both?
I’d be super grateful if anyone could help.
I’d like to rule out the octatrack using a different note number convention for middle c as described here:
It goes deep than midi note number. There is no standard for which C is C4. Octave numbering can be applied starting anywhere.
It’s weird to me that it wouldn’t be the same on each machine, but I can’t think of what else it could be.
I mean, new project on the octatrack, I unplug the MIDI cable out of machinedrum, plug it into the octatrack and it’s an octave different.
Maybe my machine has gremlins inside?