Midi Program changes messages with A4 - what currently works?

I’m making a live set using a machinedrum and an A4 - I make the drum patterns in corresponding banks/ patterns on the MD. Ive found when the A4 is the master clock the program change messages to the MD are always late by about a bar. When the MD is boss, it works fine.

Unfortunately, the A4 has a much tighter clock than the MD - it barely loses any time over long recordings - so it would be better as the clock source. Iis anyone using the A4 as the master clock and got program changes working correctly?

Not sure about your exact setup but I’ve used the A4 as master with no hiccups. You have probably already checked but are your boxes set up to play the full pattern length before switching? I use this setting for Octa and A4 and its rock solid :wink:

edit: ignore that, I had a quick look in the manual and the settings I mentioned could well be Octatrack only, I can’t find anything similar for A4 :flushed: