Midi keyboard to the MDUW?

I’m trying to send notes to the MDUW, but so far the range is just letting me trigger the 16 voices or switching patterns. Is there a setting to play the voices chromatically?


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Actually do a search, I think there may have been a midi device that could do this. Ruin Wessen midi command.


I think I’ve seen that. I thought I might be able to run it without it. I’ll see if he’s making them again.


It is doable with a bit of programming, I have small script taking midi notes (on each channel, mapped to each machine drum track) and sending the parameter 1 based on the key pressed and trigging the note.

With some more programming, you can check which machine is loaded on the track, and depending a custom pitch table (each machine has different pitch table) trig the note which matches.

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