Midi issues

Sorry if this has been covered somewhere already but I couldn’t see anything on it.

I have my Digitakt hooked up to my iPad via a ConnectAudio 2/4 Audio/Midi interface. I am having trouble getting the patterns I have recorded in the Digitakt to record into Cubasis 2 on the iPad. I can get the audio working fine, or any other instrument I own hooked up via the same interface with Audio and Midi. I can get the Digitakt to get sent a start/stop clock from Cubasis. I can play in trigs by hand by drumming them in, or playing the Chromatic Keyboard, but no matter what I try I can’t get the notes from the internal patterns on the Digitakt to send to Cubasis to record the midi events.

What am I doing wrong?

Midi Config Settings:

  • Clock receive on
  • Clock send off
  • Prog ch receive off
  • Prog ch send off
    Port Configuration
  • Turbo speed off
  • Out port func MIDI
  • THRU port func MIDI
  • Input from MIDI+USB
  • Output to MIDI+USB
  • Output Ch Auto Ch
  • Param Output CC
  • Encoder Dest INT+EXT
  • Mute Dest INT+EXT
  • Receive Notes on
  • Receive CC/NRPN on
    Channels (all are as per track numbers)

So Cubasis on the iPad is not recording midi data? And of course you pressed record. For what it’s worth I can record midi data into MASCHINE. I’m guessing that it’s a midi channel issue or some conflict on the iPad/Cubasis side.

So you want to trigger instruments in Cubasis using Digitakt sequencer?
Which MIDI port are you using in ConnectAudio?
Can you monitor the MIDI data ipad is receiving with MIDI tool like Midi Wrench?
Which MIDI port is used for sequencer track?
Which MIDI port is used for Auto channel in Digitakt?
Which MIDI port is Cubase listening to?

Check the track is not muted on the DT


I’m having the same issue - on audio tracks 1-8, the chromatic keyboard and the trig buttons send out MIDI notes on channels 1-8 when I press them manually.

However when pressing play, the notes from the actual sequence don’t get sent. In my case Ableton isn’t receiving any data.

I was under the impression that DTs audio tracks don’t transmit midi.
We have midi for that…

It’s a bit odd though that a user’s hits on the trig keys can be transmitted, but when the internal sequencer “hits” those keys, no data goes out.

I would like to record a performance via midi into Ableton using the mute mode to drop elements in and out, then tweak the recorded arrangement in Ableton and then play those notes back into the Digitakt. At that point I would be able to solo the midi tracks in Ableton and record the audio tracks from Digitakt one by one.

Even if we had overbridge with multi channel audio, I would still probably prefer to have the chance to tweak the midi performance before rendering it out.

Best way to think of it is that the keys/trigs/buttons are a master keyboard. It will trigger midi but the internal sequencer merely triggers the onboard sound engine.
Your idea and approach are spot on but unfortunately the DT today won’t play ball that way :baseball:
I know it’s frustrating when you want to get something out of the DT, OB hopefully but if not just audio and sequence elsewhere looks to be your best bet!

The OT audio tracks can send midi data of various kinds but that’s another threadsworth!

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OK then, so long as I’m not missing a trick! I really hope this is addressed in the next update. I’m so chuffed with the Digitakt in general so far. If the developers can get little issues like this ironed out it will be a truly amazing little box.

Going on a bit of a tangent here but I finally figured out a nice workflow for sequencing my Minologue with the first 4 MIDI tracks, then recording audio loops into Ableton and controlling the track mute/record arm/clip playback/clip stop in Ableton from the remaining 4 tracks on the Digitakt, using the chromatic keyboard mode. So far it seems to work really well - it means I can quickly record variations, layer up my tracks and jam with them using only the one synth, without ever having to touch the mouse.

If I could record the MIDI performance from the audio tracks too, I could quickly get an arrangement together, tidy it up a bit, and then go back to the Minologue and record a final take for each of the synth parts. But it’s hard to do that without a proper arrangement in place and knowing in your head exactly where the key parts of the track are for tweaking the filter in right places, etc.

I’m not really up for soloing each drum track as a 4 bar loop into Ableton and then building an arrangement from scratch. Lego bricks - that’s exactly the sort of thing I’m trying to get away from, and kind of defeats the purpose of the machine for me. At least, it’s stopping me from finishing anything. It’s the kind of workflow I was forced into with a Volca Sample and it really kills the creative vibe, so I just don’t bother…as such have a load of unfinished stuff!


Yeah I agree there are some little niggles with the DT, at least you have a workaround although not ideal.

My brother used multitimbral recording in live and reason to record his live performances from his mpc, using the samplers and synths on the pc.
Very nice way to edit and tidy up although he was usually very good as he’d practice the mix whilst creating the track… Years ago now.

Sorry for the thread necromancy, but this comes up when you search for various midi sequencer send related things/issues on google.

For me the issue was that I had not set the track midi channel. You do this by having the midi track selected then in the SRC view Func + PRESS A to enable the Chan parameter then select the channel you want to send to.

Hope this helps someone…


I’ve been trying to figure this out for many nights. Your post saved me!

This is my first post on a forum ever. I had to login and say THANK YOU.

New Digitakt user here, was confused about why it wasn’t sending midi. You solved it for me!

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That’s it, thanks alot!!