MIDI issue with DT2 and DN2

Hello Elektron family

I have a setup: MIDI keyboard(MIDI OUT) -> DN2 ( MIDI IN) -> DN2(MIDI OUT) -> DT2 (MIDI IN)

I have an issue, when i play notes on keyboard , it plays first channel of Digitakt, i tried to change all MIDI channels, however it is still unsolvable.

Do anyone knows the solution for this one?

Thank you in advance

I had a similar issue. It turned out that the zone feature of my keyboard was turned on and the default setup had all zones overlapping. it was sending multiple midi messages on different channels every time i hit one key. Check your keyboard settings to see if its something like this

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In the dn midi settings by default there is track 1 ch mid 1, track2 ch mid 2, track3 chmidi 3…
You also have to take into account the automatic channel. I think that by default it is midi ch 14, that is, the midi that enters will affect the channel you have selected.

I don’t know if this is your problem.

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