Midi Fader Mixers?

Many thanks,
I will certainly follow this

So Iv’e been searching the web and YouTube all afternoon and the UC4 sounds like exactly what I need so I’ll get one next month.

Also as the main part of what I do is with drums and percussion I was looking at the Faderfox PC4 which has 24 knobs. The reason I look at this is because my main percussion comes from the Jomox MBrane1_1 I absolutely adore this module. Now the MBrane1_1 has 26 controllable midi cc’s and it’s a pain to change stuff in software etc so I’m thinking I could control most of it’s parameters hands on with a dedicated PC4?

Maybe PC4 midi out > MBrane1_1 midi in > PC4 midi in > Digitakt or MPCX?

Would it work?

It looks like your Mbrane uses high resolution MIDI for several parameters.
I don’t think the PC4 supports this. I think it’s 7 bit MIDI only.
I’m pretty sure the Faderfox EC4 supports 14 bit MIDI. I don’t have one, but had a good look when it was released.
I’m not sure that many MIDI controllers support 14 bit MIDI. Maybe someone else here knows of some others?
As for your setup question, you can connect the MIDI OUT from your Digitakt or MPC to the MIDI IN of a UC4 or PC4 and the Faderfox will merge the input with it’s own MIDI stream and pass it through to the MIDI OUT and USB out of the Faderfox.
It’s very useful and cuts the need for a MIDI merge box.

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Great advice here thanks. I had the Digitakt controlling both Jomox modules and it’s superb however your limited to 8 knobs for midi cc’s which is fine but I’d love to have a dedicated little knob controller to access all parameters not only for live but for sound design.
Iv’e only just realised that my Digitone keys is an amazing midi sequencer too I had the Argon 8m with this last night. I’m finding a different way of working here. I may not even use the MPCX as much when Digitakt controls all nice n tight.

I’ll try different setups over the coming weeks :slight_smile:

I LOVE using console 1 and console 1 fader with Ableton.

Yeah I don’t need one for computer just with midi to control hardware synths :blush:

So I ordered the PC4 just now I’ll get the EC4/UC4 after new year.

My plan was to use the PC4 with the Digitakt so I’m thinking this would add an extra 24 controls to Digitakt would this be right?
What I mean to do is connect say the below using my Kenton Thru 12 with Digitakt and connect the synths to use the midi tracks and have the PC4 setup to control the parameters…


  • MBase 11
  • MBrane 1_1
  • DSI Mopho Desktop
  • MB33
  • Drum Station R
  • Bass Station R
  • Drumbrute (trigger from Digitakt)

I’d use the EC4 similar with Digitone Keys sequencing Argon 8 and Cobalt 8 then have a UC4 as a kind of mixer for the Digitakt and Digitone Keys and connected synths…

Sound about right or am I missing something?