Midi Fader Mixers?

I’m looking for something like these below just to mix midi… I don’t need a mixer etc I just want something with midi and faders. Already had the FaderFox MX12/PC12 but I’m looking for something else.

Any ideas or something similar to midi mix my hardware synths?





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Do you need the device to be able to be configured to send out precisely specific CCs or do you have MIDI Translation available.

If the latter, theres a shit ton of Akai (APC), Novatuon, etc.

If the former, sorry: Im out

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something like this?

Yes exactly just something like this… just faders for my midi synths :slight_smile:

How many faders do you need?

Why not the FaderFox?

What’s your budget?


Got one of these for sale :slight_smile:
Kenton Control Freak Studio version.
PM me if interested

I bought and sold the fader fox mx12/pc12 didn’t need all the features. My main controller is the Akai MPC X all I want is something with 8-16 faders… I don’t need extra knobs etc just the faders… I realise loads of stuff out there but can’t find anything like the pics in my first post.


Not much budget left tbh I’m just looking for advice at the moment

How much do you want, an arm and a leg? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

PM :slight_smile:

image image image


Nice :slight_smile:

XVI Midi Fader Bank from Michigan Synth Works ?

Is that what you want ?

It has both USB and TRS MIDI, plus I2C and CV. Open source if you want to muck with it further.

There is both a desktop version and a Eurorack version. They have an 8 slider version too.

Great company BTW.


I could probably get away with one of these for what I want to do with my gear.


Novation // Launch Control XL

Might be fine for controlling volumes etc for my hardware

I am thinking using faders to control model samples. has anyone tried yet?

Another video here

You said you didn’t need all the features of the faderfox and only need faders, but the launch control is an option? If money is an issue I understand but I would choose the mx12 above the launch control any day!!
I guess the launch control works, but the faderfox just feels solid and sturdy and not like a toy. The action of the faders is awesome compared to these cheap controllers.
And the editing on the faderfox is great as well

I think the most worthy faders now is the behringer bcr2000. super powerful yet cheap as shit in second hand market.

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Cheap I agree, but how is the novation simpler? It has more knobs per fader than the faderfox. If it’s fader you’re after and don’t need the knobs, I don’t get the novation choice…
If you mean the faderfox is too expensive for what you need it for, and just want a few cheap faders, I agree on your choice :slight_smile:

I can give you my Arduino code to build this if you want!