MIDI controllers w/Elektron gear

I have a couple of MIDI controllers that I’m thinking of hooking up to my Elektron boxes.

How do you guys use MIDI controllers, and how does it help with workflow/performance/creativity/etc?

using a midi controller is a no-brainer for access to parameter settings you like, maybe e.g. you have two or three delay time settings which work for you, set up a macro on the external box to only target those values (you’ll need moderately advanced midi toys to do this, either on ipad or novation ctrls etc)

the customisation options are limited only by your imagination (and gear) but the Lemur on iPad will not block your workflow

the A4 sounds wonderful when played by external midi when you have access to aftertouch/vel/mod etc

it also means you can have permanent access to e.g. track/oscillator levels & e.g. performance knob values whilst simultaneously having the a4 on e.g. a filter screen

doing this over usb via ipad just seems right ! (sans physical aftertouch of course)

it can do no harm to augment what is otherwise a good interface :slight_smile: