Midi clock sync problem

Hi, I’m using the A4 cv outs to control a Boomstar 4075 and a Slim Phatty. I can send also the midi clock from A4 using the midi out (on the midi through is not available).
But let suppose to use also a midi keyboard to play with the 2 synths when I mute the cv and fx tracks.
How can I route the midi connections in orther to send to the synths both midi notes and midi clock?
Note that I’m not using PC. May I need an extra device to combine the midi clock from A4 and notes from keyboard?
It would be nice to have the midi clock on the midi through too.

Thanks for any suggestion.

You need a MIDI merger to do this.

According to the MIDI specifications, the MIDI Thru port should be an exact and direct copy of what comes in at the MIDI In port.

so I need something with 2 in and 1 midi out. I’ll search on the web.

that’s the neatest route (may not need power too) - but a few threads on here discuss the cheaper solutions that could be had through a bit of ebay luck - many 8in 8out pro devices, think Emagic, MOTU, M-audio etc, of times past are obviously much more flexible and can be had for peanuts, very good as midi patchbays and more besides

this subject keeps coming up more and more as hardware makes its comeback. There are numerous used high quality 6x8 or 8x8 midi routers on Craigslist or Ebay that cost well under $100 and give you 0ms delay in midi routing (according to Innerclock tests).

I myself picked up a Roland A-880 a few months ago and it works great as a standalone unit. The Edirol version of this can connect to a computer but is much more expensive on the used market. Another top quality unit is the Digital MX-8. Cheap as well but very good. If you are going to spend $60 or $70 for a new 1x2 or 2x2 unit, I would consider a used 8x8 and plan for the future instead.

Will midi-data from midi-keyboard connected to A4 come thru its midi-out port? E.g.:
Midi keyboard (Out) --> (In) AnalogFour (Out) --> (In) Slim Phatty (Thru) --> (In) Boomstar 4075

Kawai MIDI PATCHBAY MAV-8 is powered and highly recommended. Less than $120. used…or used to be. It’s powered, rack mounted, 4 MIDI IN x 8 MIDI OUTS with one of each on front panel. This is not USB, just straight MIDI DIN and works a charm. Has 8 sliders on the front so you can control easily at all times what’s going where.

sadly no ! - not on the track channel nor the auto channel, just the mini keys (sans vel etc)

edit: but will from both through thru

With this MAV-8 it seems that I can send one of the IN to many OUTs but I need to merge two INs ( a keyboard and the midi out clock from A4).

With this MAV-8 it seems that I can send one of the IN to many OUTs but I need to merge two INs ( a keyboard and the midi out clock from A4).
Yeah, I have the MAV-8 (excellent bit of kit b.t.w. - ultra-simple! no computer needed) and it does not do Midi merge of the inputs.

With this MAV-8 it seems that I can send one of the IN to many OUTs but I need to merge two INs ( a keyboard and the midi out clock from A4).
I’ve got the Unitor 8 mkii, but i recall a very recent thread where the spec of a similar MOTU device was even better on account of better standalone ‘patching’ not sure it did merging, but it had a pro feature set, the unitor by emagic (bought by apple) has sketchy support on later apple os versions but a free 3rd party soln exists for it