Juno 106
and OT as centre piece
At the moment I have the mopho on channel 3 and shruthi on channel 4 with midi outs just daisy chained from the OT.
Question is what channels should I have everything set to? I was thinking of using the Juno to double as a midi keyboard but I can’t work out what channel it should be on. Also am I correct in thinking the MDUW takes up 4 midi channels? The MD only needs to be transport synced.
You do not need to assign a MIDI channel to the MD if you only need transport.
I’m not familiar with the Juno, however if you set it to say MIDI Channel 1 and on the OT, you could set the Auto Channel to 1 also, then you could use it as a MIDI keyboard for whichever track you have selected. However, you will have to connect this to the MIDI in of the OT.
For the Shruthi and Morpho you could set it to any other MIDI Channel (e.g. 2 and 3 respectively)
Thanks, thats very helpful. If I have the Juno to the OT in and the Juno receiving midi from the OT (at the end of the chain) am I likely to get a feedback loop of sorts?
Basically I want to use the juno as a midi keyboard for the otehr synths but I also want to be able to sequence it.
Not sure about that. Can you set the Juno to send/receive on different MIDI channels?
Does the Juno send out midi that it receives also, or only from the keyboard?
Two questions I can only answer by trying. I’ll give it a go and see what I find. I dont think its possible to get two a different n and out channel for the juno though. Only way to do that would be to run it through ableton which I guess is a last resort option.
I am using Logic Pro X and want to ultimately use Octatrack as a MIDI routing hub to send my Alesis Micron, Roland Fantom and AKAI MPK25 back into Logic?
I was getting very confused then I realized that my problems would be solved if I could only merge the OT midi out with its thru. I needed this in order to be selective about what gear my 2 sequencers (ableton and OT) were controlling, while letting the communication flow, but its a no-go.
My problem is solved by getting a cheap usb midisport 2x2 or some other midi routing device so that I can send and receive on two midi chains instead of one. This avoids the limitations of my gear only having one set of MIDI IO ports and makes life much easier.