Midi cc

First off, thanks to everyone who’s answered my questions so far - this forum is so so so valuable when it comes to taming the beast!

Ok more questions - midi cc

Is it possible to rename the midi cc parameters in octa (to lfo or whatever)

How many parameters can i assign?

Can templates be created? Like ideally i want to create a big midi cc for my Cheetah MS6. So a template with 100 odd parameters…And i obviously dont wanna be doing that every project…


MIDI parameters can’t be renamed.

10 CCs can be assigned per track. That means, yes, you need all 8 tracks for 80 CCs. But I recommend picking your favorite 10 :slight_smile: I don’t know how modular the Cheetah is but this has been a really fun challenge for me with my Micro Modular.

As far as templates, you’d just copy the pattern containing all those CC assignments. This is much easier to deal with on a track level as you can just copy the MIDI track.

A cool trick with this that I’ve discovered recently is you can then store CC “presets” on trigless locks of a MIDI track set to play free.

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Yeah its kinda tricky picking out your favourite 10 parameters to CC fiddle with. I guess the obvious ones like filter, resonance, LFOs, osc shapes, adsr…hmmmmmm…

Then perhaps using two midi tracks and get 20 parameters?
Albeit you may only be able to tweak up to 6 knobs at once without being forced to switch page/tracks. You aren´t able to assign several parameters to the same CC from your OT? I realize that it´s not always wanted, but it might work in certain conditions…

Excellent topic! For a while I am preparing live PA, and my setup is finally complete. There are some issues, but I am solving things slowly…In this setup I use few instruments, and my polysinth module is DSI Tetra. Well it is a great little box, but it is also extremly difficult to edit. Well, 10 extra CC parameters controlable from OT sounds like dream come true. I tryed, it works great. Not only for performing. More to design own patches…Anyway, one little thing i really would like to do is to name my CC commands (in OT) after dedicated parameters on Tetra. Any ideas? is it possible, or should it be posted at “Octatrack wishlist”?


i doubt if a wishlist entry would change the status quo, it´d be very nice though to have it alike the Sequentix Circlon.

using the OT as master along MnM (in my case) lead me to printing out the MnM´s CC list and creating an “empty” project with all wanted CC´s set beforehand.

that said building up a template and using always the same CC´s on the same encoders for the same tracks helps recalling. true for me at least.

Well, if there is no other way, it is not so hard to remember 10 parameters, but would be much nicer to have them writen on a display…

I don’t think cc renaming will happen before there’s librarian software to support it. Editing even 6 character names for 10 parameters per track sounds dreary, let alone assigning all those parameters!

I am a lazy man by nature and I’m happiest when I configure these sorts of things with my laziest self in mind. :wink: This is why the “kill your darlings” approach to CC assignment (limit it to 10) works best for me. I’d also recommend playing with the configuration as you use it so you’ll know how it feels. It takes more time but I enjoy it more in the long run.

I too have OT and Tetra and had this thought to make editing/designing tetra patches easier. Interested in which CCs you chose to map to the OT. I’m a relative beginner and still tweaking presets on the Tetra.
Perhaps OSC mix, NOISE and some filter envelope controls, ignoring Tetra LFO and using OT MIDI LFO for consistency.
I see from the manual that not all Tetra parameters (including it’s LFOs) have a corresponding CC?