MIDI CC out issue with different pieces of hardware

Have you tried in a new project?

Yes. I should have mentioned. That’s the first thing I did before coming to the forum :wink:

Do all Blooper parameters react like that via OT MIDI CC?

Yes. However, all Blooper parameters react fine to Digitakt MIDI CC, FaderFox CC. The Minitaur, my 0coast, and Ableton all react to OT MIDI CC just fine.

The conundrum seems to be: what is the little difference in MIDI CC output between OT and everything else, including the DT?!

Better than ableton for inspecting the midi stream might be midiox - you can see the literal bytes coming over the line.

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Yes, a proper midi monitor can help…

Theoretically no difference. If bytes are interrupted by other message, possibly. No evidence. Example with clock, not proven…

What is that? I don’t have an Icloud account. If you post on Youtube, everyone can see.

You don’t need one to view. But I put it on YouTube too:

YouTube Link

The box is a Disaster Area DIN MIDI to TRS MIDI for chase bliss pedals.

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Ok thanks. The fact that it works with the FaderFox via OT IN/THRU is surprising.

Not enough power from OT midi out?
I’d try with a short DIN to TRS short cable, OT out > Blooper in.

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Right! Surprising. Works with fader fox and digitakt. I’m using the shortest cables I have.

I have to reiterate… the OT is smooth with my other MIDI devices. You can see the Minotaur working fine. Same is true for 0coast and minilogue.

Yes. But maybe the Blooper is more demanding, OT midi out sufficient for the Minotaur.

I think it would really help to know if it works with OT out straight in the Blooper with the right cable.

Agreed. I don’t have such a cable. Chase Bliss does their own thing with the TRS midi in… so it’s not standard. Hence, the special box.

Since the digitakt is doing fine… is there a difference in the way the DT outputs MIDI CC than the OT does? Obviously, the goal here is the LFOs, and I don’t gig with the DT.

+Quadra Thru > signal loss. I’d solder a cable or try with shortest cables, OT > box > Blooper

Not using the Quadra thru for the Blooper. It was in the mix for the Minitaur.

Shortest cables then.
Or I’d try something with a soft thru to boost OT signal. UC4?

OT out > UC4 in > UC4 out > box > Blooper


This worked! Okay. Is that telling us that the OT isn’t outputting the MIDI signal as “strongly” as the DT?

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Some people have reported issues like this with the OT’s MIDI Out port in the past.


Good to know… Yeah. It’s responding perfectly with that MIDI route, through the UC4. I can even full speed the LFO and it’s wiggling perfectly.

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Massive thanks to @sezare56, @PeterHanes, @mrcrappypantson, @tnussb, @hrrld !!!

I appreciate all the suggestions and thoughts. I’m glad there’s a workaround. I would be curious if someone from Elektron could chime in with any insights into this odd finding.


Time for a powered midi box?


Hah! Apparently. I have a Blokas Midihub™ coming with their next batch. That might solve it.

Off topic, but I’m hopeful that thing will open up some interactivity among my my MIDI foot pedal (MorningStar MC6), Eventide H9s, FaderFox UC4, Octatrack, and apparently this Blooper.

The MC6 is currently just a glorified quick control for my H9s. I’ve used it for a little OT record arming… but not all this together. I’ve needed a MIDI merger or hub for awhile now to go with my Quadra Thru. The filtering plus other toys will be really nice on the Blokas.

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