MIDI: CC just before a NOTEON


I’m trying to send a midi CC juste before NOTEON message however it doesnt take the cc into account on the step, only the next ones. I tried to add delay between CC and NOTEON but I need at least 200ms, which is way too much. Did anyone tried something similar?

I’m using amidi like that:

amidi -p hw:2,0,0 -S 'B1 13 02'
sleep .2
amidi -p hw:2,0,0 -S '91 29 40' 

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

Yes, I’ve seen the same behavior using pure data.

Hm. On my side I can’t actually go lower than 200ms.
I’m using the CC for sample change and I noticed that with a lower sleep between CC and NOTEONE, it trigger a value in between. For example:

CC sample 1 
NOTEON     => I can hear sample 1, CC is set to 1
CC sample 8
NOTEON     => I can hear sample 3 or 4 (depends)

So I think this behaviour is caused by the fact that the CC between two values is linear, not instant. Like if you change the filter values through CC, it will (slowly?) increment from, let’s say 0 to 127, that’s why we can’t hear “jumping” values when you turn the filter knobs.

This seems hardcoded in the DT. I don’t think there’s a way to disable this or to make the linear progression faster… :frowning:

I don’t know of any way.

Just tested this to confirm for myself…

It the same on ‘Sample Select’ and ‘Sample Start’.
Same behaviour with midi CC and NRPN.

Weird, because changing ‘Tune’ is almost instant.